Vojtěch Cach

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Vojtěch Cach (born August 7, 1914 in Vienna ; † September 30, 1980 in Prague ) was a Czechoslovak writer and playwright .


Born in Vienna , he had lived in Czechoslovakia since his early youth . He grew up in Holice and attended secondary school in Pardubice .

He belonged to a generation that was characterized by the high unemployment caused by the Great Depression in the 1930s. Cach felt the effects of short periods of employment and unemployment firsthand. At the time when the National Socialists took power in Germany , he became a newspaper editor in Eger . During the war he joined the resistance and fought on the side of the partisans against the German occupiers.


After the war he was fascinated by coal mining and the fight for every ton of coal in northern Bohemia and published several reports about it. In 1947 he wrote his first radio plays about life in the coal fields. In his historical dramas he describes the labor movement and the pre-war period. He immortalized the situation during the economic crisis in children's books, but also wrote an adventure novel for boys.


  • Duchcovský viadukt ( Dux Viaduct ) - historical novel about northern Bohemia
  • Mostecká stávka, premiéra 1953 ( Brüx Uprising 1953)
  • Paní Kalafová (Mrs. Kalaf), about events in the Kladno region in December 1920
  • Příběh plukovníka Adamíry (The Story of Colonel Adamir), from the time of the events in Munich in 1938

Children's books

  • Proč táta nepíše (Why doesn't father write), stories from the time of the economic crisis
  • Tajemství Anny Marie (The Secret of Anna Maria), adventure novel for boys

more books

  • Náklad do Hamburku (freight to Hamburg)
  • Chlapec s klíčkem (The boy with the key)
  • Člověk v kleci (Man in the kennel)
  • Na druhé straně plotu (On the other side of the fence)
  • Přicházím za tebou (I come with you)
  • Zatmění slunce (solar eclipse)
  • Havárie (Havarie), novella from Northern Bohemia
  • Bledá tvář měsíce (The Pale Side of the Moon), contemporary novel from Northern Bohemia
  • Praskot ve větvích (The crackling of branches), Roman chronicle