Vojtěch Jarník

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Vojtěch Jarník (born December 22, 1897 in Prague , † September 22, 1970 ibid) was a Czechoslovak mathematician . He mainly dealt with number theory , but also with analysis .


Jarník studied from 1915 at the Charles University in Prague , worked there as an assistant after graduating and from 1919 to 1921 lecturer at the Technical University of Brno . He completed his doctoral thesis O kořenech funkcí Besselových (On the Roots of Bessel Functions) in 1921. Before he became professor of mathematics at the Charles University in Prague in 1928, he worked for 3 semesters from autumn 1923 (and again in 1927/28) under the direction of Edmund Landau in Göttingen . Jarník held his chair in Prague until his retirement in 1968.

Together with Landau he examined the question of how many points with integer coordinates (grid points) are contained in a given closed area (generalizations of the Gaussian circle problem ), which later remained one of his main areas of work. He also discovered Prim's algorithm for minimal spanning trees .

Jarník was the author of around 90 mathematical articles, a widely used multi-volume textbook on analysis, and co-editor of the journal Acta Arithmetica .

Street named after Jarník in the Prague suburb of Chodov.

The Vojtěch Jarník Competition is a competition for mathematics students that is held regularly in the Czech Republic.

The asteroid (4023) Jarník is named after him.

Břetislav Novák was one of Jarník's doctoral students .


  • V. Jarník: O jistém Problemému minimálním [On a certain minimal problem], Práce Moravské Přírodovědecké Společnosti 6 , 57–63, 1930 (Czech)
  • ders .: Comments on Landauze methods in grid point theory , in: Number Theory and Analysis: A Collection of Papers in Honor of Edmund Landau (1877–1938) , edited by Paul Turán , Plenum Press, New York, 1969, p. 137 –156 (especially p. 140 online )
  • Jaroslav Kurzweil: Seventieth birthday of Professor Vojtěch Jarník , Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 17 , 624–628, 1967 online
  • Ivan Netuka: In Memoriam Prof. Vojtěch Jarník , Mathematica Bohemica 123 , 219–221, 1998 online (PDF; 268 kB)

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Individual evidence

  1. MPC