Volkert Overlander

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Knight Volkert Overlander (born October 7, 1570 in Amsterdam , † October 18, 1630 ) was an Amsterdam mayor from the Dutch Golden Age .


Portrait of Volkert Overlander by Cornelis van der Voort
Coat of arms of the Volkert Overlander

He was the son of Nicolaes Overlander and Catharina Sijs. In 1599 he married Geertruyd Jansdaughter Hooft (1578-1636), with whom he had ten children together. Hooft's brother Pieter Jansz Hooft married Overlander's sister Gertruid (1577–1653). His daughter Maria (1603–1678) became the wife of Frans Banning Cocq , and Geertruid (1609–1634) the wife of Cornelis de Graeff . Overlander lived in the city palace De Dolphijn in the Amsterdam Singel .

From 1605 he sat in the city government of Amsterdam, and from 1614 to 1621 in the city's admiralty, the largest and most powerful of the five Dutch admirals. In 1621 and 1628 Overlander was the governing mayor of his hometown and was thus able to help the Remonstrant- minded people to gain more recognition. Overlander also appeared as a wealthy shipowner and was raised to hereditary knighthood by King James I of England in 1620 .

In 1618 Overlander acquired the High Glory of Purmerland and Ilpendam from the States of Holland from Count Egmond's bankruptcy estate . On a hill from the war with Spain he built Ilpenstein , the new castle of glory . Overlander also became the first dikemaster of the Purmer.

Shortly before his death, Volkert Overlander was appointed Councilor of the States of Holland with his seat in The Hague .

Individual evidence

  1. His father Nicolaes Overlander in PC Hooft's Family Tree
  2. PC Hooft's Family Tree .
  3. Heren van Holland
  4. Heren van Holland
  5. Heren van Holland  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.herenvanholland.nl  
  6. Heren van Holland
  7. Brief history of the castle (nl) ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.geocaching.nl
  8. Brief history of the castle (nl)

Web links

Commons : Volkert Overlander  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
States of Holland and West Friesland Lord of Purmerland and Ilpendam
Geertruid Hooft (widow of Volkert Overlander)