full half-day school

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The full half-day school is an organizational form of the elementary school that was introduced in various German federal states ( Brandenburg , Bremen , Hamburg , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Lower Saxony , Rhineland-Palatinate , Saxony-Anhalt ) in order to increase the quality of the elementary schools. Despite the different forms in the individual federal states, there are also similarities.


The name is determined by the outwardly recognizable organizational framework: Fixed school times for the whole week (every day around 8:00 am - 1:00 pm) instead of starting and ending times that change daily based on the timetable . These fixed times are also adhered to in the event of illness or other absence of teachers. To ensure this, the number of teaching positions will be increased.

The full half-day school also includes a special pedagogical and didactic concept: There are not only compulsory lessons according to the timetable, but also times when other offers take place under the supervision of the teachers. The design is different in the different countries, sometimes the design is left to the school. Project lessons or remedial lessons are offered, there are various working groups , in some cases it is also possible for the pupils to do homework, work through tasks in a "weekly plan", or otherwise be able to occupy themselves independently (such as reading in the reading corner while the teacher There are remedial classes.)

In some subjects, "team teaching", a double assignment of two teachers in a study group, is provided in order to better promote individual students.


In Bremen , this type of school has since been canceled.


Introduced across the board in the mid-1990s, but modified again.

Lower Saxony

In Lower Saxony the model was introduced from the end of the 1980s, but due to the additional financial requirements (which were partly diverted from other schools), it was not pursued any further, and in the early 2000s it was transferred to the " reliable primary school ", which also offers fixed school hours , but does not ensure this with additional teachers, but with auxiliary staff who should have pedagogical qualifications if possible. The full half-day schools that still exist can be continued at the request of the school authorities , but due to the cuts they hardly differ from the "reliable primary schools".