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Waifar († June 2, 768 ) was from 745 to 768 practically independent Duke of Aquitaine as the son and successor of Duke Hunoald .


When the Franconian caretakers Karlmann and Pippin the Younger forced Duke Hunoald to abdicate and retire to the monastery in 745, Waifar succeeded him with their consent. Relations between Waifar and Pippin deteriorated in 760 after a dispute over church property, when Pippin demanded that Waifar respect the possession of Franconian churches in Aquitaine and his, Pippins, sovereignty. Waifar responded to this request with a campaign in the Franconian Empire, during which he attacked Autun , Chalon-sur-Saône and Narbonne and also came near Tours . Pippin reacted and now in turn covered Aquitaine with war, which was followed by a total of seven more in the years 761 to 763 and 766 to 768, in which Waifar's power base was gradually destroyed. Pippin occupied the north of the country, destroyed the fortresses there or had them converted into his own castles. In 762 Bourges was lost, after which the Franks penetrated ever deeper into Waifar's duchy - the campaign of 766 saw the Franks on the Garonne . The following year Waifar's uncle Remistan, who had already submitted to Pippin, went over to the Aquitaine, but was caught and executed in Bourges in 768. A final campaign by Pippins, in which he again advanced to the Garonne, led to Waifar's followers breaking up and he was finally apparently murdered by his people, according to Frankish sources due to Pippin's actions.


  • Annales Laurissenses minores, ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz , MGH Scriptores, Scriptores (in Folio), 1: Annales et chronica aevi Carolini (1826)
  • Annales Laurissenses et Einhardi, ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz, MGH Scriptores, Scriptores (in Folio), 1: Annales et chronica aevi Carolini (1826)
  • Annales Sancti Amandi Continuatio, ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz, MGH Scriptores, Scriptores (in Folio), 1: Annales et chronica aevi Carolini (1826)
  • Chronica Sigeberti Gemblacensis monachi, ed. By Georg Heinrich Pertz, MGH Scriptores, Scriptores (in Folio), 6: Chronica et annales aevi Salici (1844)
  • Fredegar Continuator, ed. by Bruno Krusch , MGH Scriptores, Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum, 2: Fredegarii et aliorum Chronica. Vitae sanctorum (1888)
  • Annales regni Francorum, ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz , MGH Scriptores, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi 6 (1895)
  • Annales Mettenses priores, ed. by Bernhard von Simson , MGH Scriptores, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi 10 (1905)


  • Charles Higounet (ed.): Histoire de l'Aquitaine (1971)
  • Michel Rouche: L'Aquitaine des Wisigoths aux Arabes 418-781 (1979)
  • Andreas Kalckhoff : Charlemagne. Profiles of a Ruler (1987), p. 26
  • Pierre Riché : The Carolingians. One family forms Europe (1991), pp. 75, 99
  • Rudolf Schieffer : Die Karolinger (1992), pp. 53,58,66,72
  • Karl Ferdinand Werner : The origins of France up to the year 1000 (1995), p. 363,389,393


  1. "Waifarius interfectus est 4. Non. Iunii" Annales Sancti Amandi Continuatio 768, p 11
  2. "Hunaldus ... filiumque suum Waifarium" Annales Mettenses priores 744, p 36
predecessor Office successor
Hunoald Duke of Aquitaine
Karlmann I.