Waldemar (Sweden)

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Valdemar Birgersson's coat of arms

Valdemar Birgersson (* 1243 ; † December 26, 1302 in Nyköpingshus ) was King of Sweden between 1250 and 1275.


Valdemar Birgersson was the son of Birger Jarl and his first wife Ingeborg Eriksdotter and was elected King of Sweden at the age of seven after the death of his uncle Erik Eriksson . In 1251 he was crowned in Linköping. However, the government remained in the hands of his father, who had already been imperial administrator, until his death in 1266.

Little is known about his independent government activity after 1266, but at the beginning of the 1270s there was a conflict with his brothers Magnus , who claimed the office of imperial administrator with all the power that their father held, and Erik. Duke Erik evaded to Norway, while Waldemar atone for his sexual misconduct. In 1274 he made a pilgrimage to Rome.

In 1275 the dispute turned into an open battle after the two brothers had received support from the Danish King Erik Klipping . They defeated Valdemar's supporters at the Battle of Hova that same year. Valdemar Birgersson fled to Norway with his wife , and his brother Magnus was elected king. Although Valdemar abdicated in 1275, the battle for the royal crown, from which Magnus finally emerged as the undisputed victor in 1279, continued for a few years. Valdemar spent the years from 1279 in exile in Denmark, from where he worked against his brother. This ultimately led to his being arrested in Nyköpingshus in 1288, after having had love affairs three years earlier with the consent of the church. a. with his sister-in-law, Princess Jutta of Denmark, had been declared insane. He died in 1302 in the prison in Nyköpingshus.


Valdemar married Sophie of Denmark († 1286) in Jönköping in 1260 , the daughter of the Danish king Erik Plovpenning .

Further relationships or even marriages existed with his sister-in-law Jutta von Denmark , daughter of Erik IV. , Catharina von Gützkow , daughter of Jaczo I and a lady named Lucrardis .


Web links

Commons : Waldemar (Sweden)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lagerqvist p. 71.
  2. a b c Lagerqvist p. 72.
  3. ^ Albert Georg Schwartz : Diplomatic history of the Pomeranian-Rügischen cities of Swedish sovereignty: together with the attached history of the county of Gützkow. Hieronymus Johann Struck, Greifswald 1755, appendix after p. 840
  4. Tunberg Sp. 384.
predecessor Office successor
Erik XI. King of Sweden
Magnus I.