Walter Broßmann

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Jean-Jaurès-Hof (1925–1926) by Alfred Keller and Walter Broßmann

Walter Broßmann (born May 20, 1882 in Teschen ; † August 29, 1948 in Linz ) was an Austrian architect .


Walter Broßmann attended secondary school in Teschen and then learned the mason trade. At the same time he graduated from the State Trade School in Brno from 1896 to 1900 . After a few years of practical experience, he came to Vienna in 1904 , where he studied with Friedrich Ohmann at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna . In 1909 he passed his master builder examination. He was site manager in the structural engineering office of the Austrian Siemens-Schuckertwerke and then became an architectural draftsman for Alfred Keller . After the First World War, in which he was wounded twice, he continued his studies with Friedrich Ohmann and finished it in 1920. Then he worked again with Alfred Keller and after he had obtained the license to civil architect in 1925, he became a partner of Keller's in a joint Architecture office. After Keller had withdrawn, Broßmann worked from 1932 alone in Gmunden as an architect, in various building committees and as an expert at court. During the National Socialist era, he was technical director from 1939 to 1941, then authorized officer of the Heimstätte housing association for Lower Danube and Vienna. He did his labor service from 1943 to 1944 at the Housing and Settlement Office of the Reich Governor for Upper Danube in Linz. Here, after the war in 1945, he became the provisional head of the building construction department.


Broßmann mainly worked with Alfred Keller. Together they built residential and industrial buildings all over Austria. Their architecture was close to the home style . It is not possible to judge Broßmann's special performance towards Keller.


  • Atzgersdorf suitcase factory (1921–1922)
  • Gratwein power station of the Leykam Josefsthaler paper factory (1924–1925)
  • Paper factory Leykam-Josefsthal-AG (1924–1925)
  • Sanatorium Dr. Friedrich Hansa , Körblergasse 42, Graz (1925)
  • Elementary school , Niklasdorf near Leoben (1925)
  • Electricity works , Krems an der Donau (1925–1926)
  • Residential complex of the municipality of Vienna Jean-Jaurès-Hof , Neilreichgasse 105, Vienna 10 (1925–1926)
  • Housing complex of the municipality of Vienna David-Hof , Effingergasse 31, Vienna 16 (1926–1927)
  • Rodauner cement factory , Kaltenleutbaren (1929–1930)
  • Municipal bathing establishment , Krems an der Donau (1931)
  • Substation Graz-Süd of STEWEAG (1932)

After 1932 Broßmann created around 40 people's and civil servants' housing in Upper Austria and some industrial buildings.

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