Walter Georg Leisner

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Walter Georg Leisner (* 1973 ) is a German legal scholar .


After graduating from the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich , he studied law in Munich and Hamburg as a university scholarship holder from the Hanns Seidel Foundation (1st state law examination in Munich 1998). After his legal clerkship at the Munich Higher Regional Court and the second state examination in law , he received his doctorate from the University of Hamburg in 2002 on the subject of monument-friendly use . In 2006 he completed his habilitation with Otto Luchterhandt on the subject of "Securing a livelihood in public law", for which he received the venia legendi for constitutional and administrative law as well as tax law. Since 2001 he has been with the law firm Dr. Kleeberg & Partner active in Munich, since 2004 as partner of Kleeberg Leisner Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft, Munich. During this time, he trained as a specialist lawyer for tax law. From 2006 to 2015 he was a founding partner of the regional law firm Leisner Zehentmeier & Kollegen, later Leisner Steinbacher Baum, lawyers and tax consultants in Munich and Berlin . In August 2019 , the Free University of Berlin qualified him for the subjects of constitutional and administrative law as well as tax law and awarded him the title of adjunct professor .

His main research interests are public law (constitutional law), public commercial law, trade law, public procurement law, public building law (monument protection law) and real estate law, inheritance law, foundation law and tax law.

Fonts (selection)

  • Appropriate use. A contribution to the concept of monument in the law of monument protection. With special consideration of the location in Hamburg . Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-428-10913-9 .
  • Securing livelihood in public law. Minimum, fundamentals, funding . Tübingen 2007, ISBN 3-16-149289-7 .
  • "Is a change to § 5 of the Crafts Code to be aimed for in such a way that master craftsmen of B1 crafts also fall within its scope?" Expert opinion by the Ludwig Fröhler Institute for Handicraft Sciences, Munich . Alfeld 2011, ISBN 978-3-7734-0326-1 .
  • The corporate legal form of guilds, district tradesmen's associations and state guild associations: status under public or private law? . Alfeld 2011, ISBN 978-3-7734-0325-4 .

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