Walter Hollweg

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Walter Hollweg (born May 23, 1883 in Mönchengladbach ; † April 23, 1974 in Emden ) was a German Reformed theologian and regional superintendent of the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Province of Hanover (later Evangelical Reformed Church in Northwest Germany ).


Hollweg, son of a businessman, studied theology in Bonn and Halle from 1902 . In 1907 he was promoted to Dr. phil. doctorate, in 1919 he acquired the degree of Lic. theol. After the vicariate in Elberfeld , he became pastor of the Evangelical Reformed community in Gildehaus in 1909 and chairman of the district church assembly for the communities in the Grafschaft Bentheim district in 1924 .

In 1925 he was still defeated in the election for church president against Johann Ditzen. After the death of Gerhard Cöpers (1865–1927) he was elected regional superintendent in November 1927 for twelve years. In 1939 he was re-elected and at the same time president of the regional church council. In the church struggle , Hollweg took a neutral position between the Nazi authorities and the Confessing Church . That is why Friedrich Middendorff asked him to resign after 1945 , but the Synod in 1946 expressed his confidence. In 1951 defeated in the re-election against the opposing candidate Walter Herrenbrück senior , he retired. He has published some highly regarded articles on Reformed church history.

His brother Karl Eduard Hollweg (1886–1971) was the founding director of the Pedagogical Academy Oldenburg from 1945 to 1947.


Fonts (selection)

  • History of the Protestant hymn books from the Lower Rhine from the 16th to the 18th century . Gütersloh 1923.
  • Heinrich Bullinger's house book. An investigation into the beginnings of the Reformed sermon literature. Neukirchen-Vluyn 1956.
  • New studies on the history and teaching of the Heidelberg Catechism. First episode. Neukirchen-Vluyn 1961.
  • The Augsburg Diet of 1566 and its significance for the formation of the Reformed Church and its confession . Neukirchen-Vluyn 1964.
  • New studies on the history and teaching of the Heidelberg Catechism. Second episode. Neukirchen-Vluyn 1968.
  • The history of older Pietism in the Reformed communities of East Frisia. From its beginnings to the great revival movement (around 1650–1750) . Leer / Aurich 1978.
