Walter Lochte-Holtgreven

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Walter Lochte-Holtgreven (right) at a conference of the German Physical Society (1966)

Walter Lochte-Holtgreven (born October 15, 1903 in Hamburg , † September 11, 1987 in Kiel ) was a German experimental physicist and university professor .


Walter Lochte-Holtgreven was born as the youngest son of the later professor of forensic medicine Theodor Lochte (1864–1953) and his wife Luise born in Göttingen . Holtgreven born. He was married to Irene geb. Kossel , daughter of the physicist Walther Kossel . The marriage has a daughter and three sons.

After attending school in Göttingen , he began studying physics in 1922 at the Philipps University of Marburg . In 1923 he was in the Corps Hasso Nassovia Marburg recipiert . As an inactive , he went to the ETH Zurich and the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen . There he did research with his later PhD supervisor James Franck for X-ray fluorescence . He received his doctorate in this area in 1927. Then he went to the University of Groningen to Dirk Coster . From 1930 to 1933 he was at the University of Manchester , where he worked with William Henry Bragg in the field of molecular spectroscopy . He returned to Germany in 1934 and accepted an assistant position at Heinrich Rausch von Traubenberg (1880-1944) at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel . He completed his habilitation in 1937. In 1943 he was appointed head of the Institute for Experimental Physics. At the end of 1945 he was appointed full professor . In 1972 he retired. From 1965 he was a corresponding member of the Braunschweig Scientific Society .


The main research focus was among other things the plasma spectroscopy, which was co-founded by him. Special accents could be set through close cooperation with theoretical physics and especially through the cooperation with Albrecht Unsöld . He devoted himself to nuclear fusion and carried out research in the field of plasma physics .

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Individual evidence

  1. Unsöld, A .: Walter Lochte-Holtgreven 60 years
  2. Kossel, Walther (German biography)
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 101/984. He is not listed in the corps lists 1960 and 1996.
  4. Dissertation: About the intensity behavior of D-lines . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1928
  5. Habilitation thesis: On the influence of pressure on predissociation . Zeitschrift für die Physik 103 (1936), issues 5 and 6
  6. ^ Press, W. & Helbig, V .: Obituary for Walter Lochte-Holtgreven, in: Physikalische Blätter, Volume 44, Issue 1, Wiley-VCH, 1988.
  7. W. Lochte-Holtgreven, J. Richter: Plasma diagnostics . Amsterdam 1968