Warren O. Addicott

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Warren Oliver Addicott (born February 17, 1930 in Fresno , California , † July 11, 2009 in Oregon ) was an American geologist and paleontologist .

Warren Addicott studied at Pomona College with Bachelor Accounts 1951 and at the Stanford University with the Master Accounts in 1952 and in 1956 at the University of California in Berkeley doctorate in paleontology. From 1954 he was a petroleum geologist at the General Petroleum Corporation and from 1962 at the United States Geological Survey . There he was involved in the Circum Pacific Map Project (temporarily as a leader) and was an expert on Cenozoic mollusks and their use in stratigraphy, their systematics and application in paleoclimatology. He also taught at the from 1990Southern Oregon University .

In 1980 he was President of the Paleontological Society . He was a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the California Academy of Sciences .

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References and comments

  1. Life and career data according to American Men and Women of Science , Thomson Gale 2004