Varvara Adrianovna Gaigerova

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Varvara Adrianowna Gaigerowa , Russian Варвара Адриановна Гайгерова (born October 4 . Jul / 17th October  1903 greg. In Orekhovo-Zuyevo , Russian Empire , died April 6 1944 in Moscow ) was a Russian composer and pianist.


Varvara Adrianowna Gaigerowa studied piano and composition at the Moscow Conservatory with Georgi Catoire , Nikolai Jakowlewitsch Mjaskowski and Heinrich Neuhaus , and graduated in 1927. She found a job as a pianist at the Bolshoi Theater , where she was "concert master" from 1936 to 1944.

Gaigerova researched the musical tradition in the republics of the Soviet Union and wrote one of her symphonies on Kalmyk themes. She composed symphonies, piano music, chamber music and an opera ( Krepost u kamennogo broda , 1940).

Works (selection)


  • Gaigerova, Varvara Adrianovna, 1903 , in: Alexandria Vodarsky-Shiraeff: Russian composers and musicians; a biographical dictionary . Greenwood, New York 1940 (Reprint New York, Da Capo Press, 1969), p. 46
  • Gaigerova, Varvara Andrianovna , in: Aaron I Cohen: International encyclopedia of women composers . New York: Books & Music USA, 1987, p. 255 ( Andrianovna [sic])
  • Gaigerova, Varvara Andrianovna , in: Allan Benedict Ho; Dmitry Feofanov: Biographical dictionary of Russian / Soviet composers . New York: Greenwood Press, 1989, p. 158 ( Andrianovna [sic])
  • Gaigerova, Varvara Adrianovna , in: Pamela Youngdahl Dees: A Guide to Piano Music by Women Composers . Greenwood, New York, 2004
  • John Haag: Gaigerova, Varvara Andrianovna , in: Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia , Volume 6, Detroit, 2000 ISBN 0-7876-4065-4 , pp. 17 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Alex Ross : The Rest Is Noise , CD review Russian Viola Sonatas by violist Eliesha Nelson and pianist Glen Inanga, July 22, 2011
  2. Unlike the German term concert master , the term in Russian can also stand for the conductor's assistant who assists in the rehearsal of opera productions and later conducts repertoire performances, like a répétiteur or conductor , cf. Концертмейстер in Russian Wikipedia
  3. Varvara Andrianovna Gaigerova , at Kvast (sv)