European water polo championship 2020

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The 2020 European Water Polo Championship was held in Budapest ( Hungary ) from January 14th to January 26th .

16 teams competed for the men and 12 teams for the women for the European championship title.

Men's tournament


The 16 participating nations were divided into four groups of four teams each. In the group, the placements were played out among each other on the basis of which they either moved into the second round or directly into the quarter-finals. In the round of 16, the runners-up and thirds in the group cross against each other. The winner then plays in the quarter-finals against the group leader, who has a game break due to his placement. From here it goes in the knockout system to the final.

Group stage

Group A Group B Group C Group D
MontenegroMontenegro Montenegro SerbiaSerbia Serbia SpainSpain Spain ItalyItaly Italy
CroatiaCroatia Croatia NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands HungaryHungary Hungary GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia
GermanyGermany Germany RomaniaRomania Romania TurkeyTurkey Turkey FranceFrance France
SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia RussiaRussia Russia MaltaMalta Malta GreeceGreece Greece

Group A

Pl. team Sp. S. U N Gates Diff. Pt.
1 CroatiaCroatia Croatia 3 3 0 0 44:23 +21 9
2 MontenegroMontenegro Montenegro 3 2 0 1 35:18 +17 6th
3 GermanyGermany Germany 3 1 0 2 20:32 −12 3
4th SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia 3 0 0 3 13:39 −26 0
January 14th SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia - MontenegroMontenegro Montenegro 4:15
GermanyGermany Germany - CroatiaCroatia Croatia 9:17
January 16 GermanyGermany Germany - SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia 8: 5
MontenegroMontenegro Montenegro - CroatiaCroatia Croatia 10:11
January 18th SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia - CroatiaCroatia Croatia 4:16
GermanyGermany Germany - MontenegroMontenegro Montenegro 3:10

Group B

Pl. team Sp. S. U N Gates Diff. Pt.
1 SerbiaSerbia Serbia 3 3 0 0 39:20 +19 9
2 RussiaRussia Russia 3 1 0 2 34:33 +1 3
3 RomaniaRomania Romania 3 1 0 2 26:34 −8 3
4th NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 3 1 0 2 22:34 −12 3
January 14th RomaniaRomania Romania - NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 8: 9
SerbiaSerbia Serbia - RussiaRussia Russia 13: 9
January 16 RomaniaRomania Romania - SerbiaSerbia Serbia 7:15
RussiaRussia Russia - NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 15: 9
January 18th RomaniaRomania Romania - RussiaRussia Russia 11:10
SerbiaSerbia Serbia - NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 11: 4

Group C

Pl. team Sp. S. U N Gates Diff. Pt.
1 HungaryHungary Hungary 3 2 1 0 56:16 +40 7th
2 SpainSpain Spain 3 2 1 0 58:25 +33 7th
3 TurkeyTurkey Turkey 3 1 0 2 25:53 −28 3
4th MaltaMalta Malta 3 0 0 3 17:62 −45 0
January 14th MaltaMalta Malta - SpainSpain Spain 7:23
TurkeyTurkey Turkey - HungaryHungary Hungary 5:19
January 16 MaltaMalta Malta - TurkeyTurkey Turkey 10:13
HungaryHungary Hungary - SpainSpain Spain 11:11
January 18th TurkeyTurkey Turkey - SpainSpain Spain 7:24
MaltaMalta Malta - HungaryHungary Hungary 0:26

Group D

Pl. team Sp. S. U N Gates Diff. Pt.
1 ItalyItaly Italy 3 3 0 0 38:19 +19 9
2 GreeceGreece Greece 3 2 0 1 35:30 +5 6th
3 GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia 3 1 0 2 25:42 −17 3
4th FranceFrance France 3 0 0 3 24:31 −7 0
January 14th FranceFrance France - GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia 7: 9
ItalyItaly Italy - GreeceGreece Greece 10: 6
January 16 GreeceGreece Greece - GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia 17:10
FranceFrance France - ItalyItaly Italy 7:10
January 18th FranceFrance France - GreeceGreece Greece 10:12
ItalyItaly Italy - GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia 18: 6

Round of 16

This is where the runners-up and thirds in the group meet each other.

January 20th MontenegroMontenegro Montenegro - TurkeyTurkey Turkey 17: 6
RussiaRussia Russia - GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia 14:13
GermanyGermany Germany - SpainSpain Spain 6:12
RomaniaRomania Romania - GreeceGreece Greece 7:14

Quarter finals

In the quarter-finals, the first in the group waits for the winner of the second round.

22nd of January ItalyItaly Italy - MontenegroMontenegro Montenegro 8:10
HungaryHungary Hungary - RussiaRussia Russia 14:10
SerbiaSerbia Serbia - SpainSpain Spain 9:10 a.m.
CroatiaCroatia Croatia - GreeceGreece Greece 14:11


Play for places 1–4

January 24th MontenegroMontenegro Montenegro - HungaryHungary Hungary 8:10
SpainSpain Spain - CroatiaCroatia Croatia 9: 8

Play for places 5–8

January 24th ItalyItaly Italy - RussiaRussia Russia 14:12
SerbiaSerbia Serbia - GreeceGreece Greece 12: 9

Play for places 9–12

22nd of January TurkeyTurkey Turkey - GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia 6:12
GermanyGermany Germany - RomaniaRomania Romania 15:10

Play for places 13–16

January 20th SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia - MaltaMalta Malta 8: 4
NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands - FranceFrance France 8: 9

Final round


January 26th HungaryHungary Hungary - SpainSpain Spain 14:13 n.P.

3rd place match

January 26th MontenegroMontenegro Montenegro - CroatiaCroatia Croatia 10: 9

Play for 5th place

January 26th ItalyItaly Italy - SerbiaSerbia Serbia 7: 8

Game for 7th place

January 26th RussiaRussia Russia - GreeceGreece Greece 9:11

Play for 9th place

January 24th GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia - GermanyGermany Germany 8: 9

Game for 11th place

January 24th TurkeyTurkey Turkey - RomaniaRomania Romania 3:20

Game for 13th place

22nd of January SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia - FranceFrance France 6: 9

Play for 15th place

22nd of January MaltaMalta Malta - NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 9:19

Bottom line

space country flag
1. Hungary HungaryHungary
2. Spain SpainSpain
3. Montenegro MontenegroMontenegro
4th Croatia CroatiaCroatia
5. Serbia SerbiaSerbia
6th Italy ItalyItaly
7th Greece GreeceGreece
8th. Russia RussiaRussia
9. Germany GermanyGermany
10. Georgia GeorgiaGeorgia
11. Romania RomaniaRomania
12. Turkey TurkeyTurkey
13. France FranceFrance
14th Slovakia SlovakiaSlovakia
15th Netherlands NetherlandsNetherlands
16. Malta MaltaMalta

Ladies tournament


The 12 participating nations were divided into two groups of 6 teams each. The first four from both groups qualified for the final round for places 1–8, which will be played in the knockout system . The last two in the group play out places 9–12 among themselves.

Group stage

Group A Group B
CroatiaCroatia Croatia FranceFrance France
GreeceGreece Greece GermanyGermany Germany
HungaryHungary Hungary IsraelIsrael Israel
RussiaRussia Russia ItalyItaly Italy
SerbiaSerbia Serbia NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands
SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia SpainSpain Spain

Group A

Pl. team Sp. S. U N Gates Diff. Pt.
1 HungaryHungary Hungary 5 5 0 0 94:26 +68 15th
2 RussiaRussia Russia 5 4th 0 1 112: 21 +91 12
3 GreeceGreece Greece 5 3 0 2 79:37 +42 9
4th SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia 5 2 0 3 21:78 −57 6th
5 CroatiaCroatia Croatia 5 1 0 4th 26:94 −68 3
6th SerbiaSerbia Serbia 5 0 0 5 19:82 −63 0
January 12th SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia - RussiaRussia Russia 2:31
GreeceGreece Greece - SerbiaSerbia Serbia 26: 7
HungaryHungary Hungary - CroatiaCroatia Croatia 25: 6
13th January CroatiaCroatia Croatia - GreeceGreece Greece 3:18
RussiaRussia Russia - SerbiaSerbia Serbia 27: 2
SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia - HungaryHungary Hungary 2:20
15. January GreeceGreece Greece - SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia 18: 2
SerbiaSerbia Serbia - CroatiaCroatia Croatia 8: 9
HungaryHungary Hungary - RussiaRussia Russia 9: 8
January 17th RussiaRussia Russia - CroatiaCroatia Croatia 34: 1
SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia - SerbiaSerbia Serbia 6: 2
HungaryHungary Hungary - GreeceGreece Greece 13:10
January 19th SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia - CroatiaCroatia Croatia 9: 7
GreeceGreece Greece - RussiaRussia Russia 7:12
SerbiaSerbia Serbia - HungaryHungary Hungary 0:27

Group B

Pl. team Sp. S. U N Gates Diff. Pt.
1 NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 5 5 0 0 83:17 +66 15th
2 SpainSpain Spain 5 4th 0 1 74:32 +42 12
3 ItalyItaly Italy 5 3 0 2 62:37 +25 9
4th FranceFrance France 5 2 0 3 40:62 −22 6th
5 IsraelIsrael Israel 5 1 0 4th 22:70 −48 3
6th GermanyGermany Germany 5 0 0 5 19:82 −63 0
January 12th FranceFrance France - SpainSpain Spain 6:15
GermanyGermany Germany - ItalyItaly Italy 4:13
NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands - IsraelIsrael Israel 22: 3
13th January GermanyGermany Germany - NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 3:23
IsraelIsrael Israel - FranceFrance France 6:10
ItalyItaly Italy - SpainSpain Spain 10:16
15. January FranceFrance France - GermanyGermany Germany 17: 5
SpainSpain Spain - IsraelIsrael Israel 18: 2
NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands - ItalyItaly Italy 10: 4
January 17th GermanyGermany Germany - SpainSpain Spain 4:19
NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands - FranceFrance France 18: 1
ItalyItaly Italy - IsraelIsrael Israel 17: 1
January 19th FranceFrance France - ItalyItaly Italy 6:18
GermanyGermany Germany - IsraelIsrael Israel 3:10
SpainSpain Spain - NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 6:10

Quarter finals

Play for places 1–8

21th January HungaryHungary Hungary - FranceFrance France 16: 3
GreeceGreece Greece - SpainSpain Spain 9:12
RussiaRussia Russia - ItalyItaly Italy 13: 7
SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia - NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 2:22


Play for places 1–4

January 23 HungaryHungary Hungary - SpainSpain Spain 10:11
RussiaRussia Russia - NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 11:10 a.m.

Play for places 5-8

January 23 FranceFrance France - GreeceGreece Greece 3:13
ItalyItaly Italy - SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia 16: 4

Final round


January 25th SpainSpain Spain - RussiaRussia Russia 13:12

3rd place match

January 25th HungaryHungary Hungary - NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 10: 8

Play for 5th place

January 25th GreeceGreece Greece - ItalyItaly Italy 5: 7

Game for 7th place

January 25th FranceFrance France - SlovakiaSlovakia Slovakia 17: 8

Play for 9th place

21th January CroatiaCroatia Croatia - IsraelIsrael Israel 7:11

Game for 11th place

21th January SerbiaSerbia Serbia - GermanyGermany Germany 13:15

Bottom line

space country flag
1. Spain SpainSpain
2. Russia RussiaRussia
3. Hungary HungaryHungary
4th Netherlands NetherlandsNetherlands
5. Italy ItalyItaly
6th Greece GreeceGreece
7th France FranceFrance
8th. Slovakia SlovakiaSlovakia
9. Israel IsraelIsrael
10. Croatia CroatiaCroatia
11. Germany GermanyGermany
12. Serbia SerbiaSerbia

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