Neckarwerk hydropower plant

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Neckarwerk hydropower plant
Hydroelectric power station Neckarwerk.JPG
Neckarwerk hydropower plant (Baden-Württemberg)
Neckarwerk hydropower plant
Coordinates 48 ° 31 '5 "  N , 9 ° 4' 9"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 31 '5 "  N , 9 ° 4' 9"  E
country Germany
place Tübingen
Waters Neckar
Kilometers of water km 248.40
power plant
operator Stadtwerke Tübingen
Start of operation 1911
Bottleneck performance 0.6 megawatts
height of fall
4.30 m
Standard work capacity 2.7 million kWh / year
Turbines Kaplan turbines
Weir in Tübingen

The Neckarwerk hydropower plant is located in Tübingen about 1000 m east of the old town. The system is a run-of-river power plant that is fed from the water of the Neckar.

History and technology

In order to carry out the long-planned correction of the Neckar, a weir was built on the Neckar in 1910. The hydroelectric power station was built on the north bank and was put into operation in 1911. Initially, Francis turbines were used, and Kaplan turbines have been used since 1982 . The power is 600 kW and the weir has a drop height of 4.30 m. The Neckar is jammed by weir rollers . It is one of the first weir roller designs in Germany. For this reason, the weir system has been classified as a technical monument since 1995 . When the weir dam was renovated in 1996, a new fish trough was built. The operation is carried out by the Stadtwerke Tübingen .

pumped storage power plant

In 1923, one of the first pumped storage plants in Germany went into operation in Tübingen. The storage basin with a capacity of 9000 m 3 was located on the Österberg east of the Österberg tower . The turbines for generating electricity were housed in the turbine house of the Neckar plant. The difference in height between the storage basin and the turbine house was 125 m and the turbines generated an output of 2 times 200 kW. The pumped storage power plant was badly damaged in an air raid in February 1945 and was not repaired afterwards. The reservoir was leveled in 1960. Today there is a playground at this point.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marion Renz: Use of hydropower in the Neckar-Alb - Neckar region . Ed .: Regionalverband Neckar-Alb. February 2011 ( online as PDF (14 MiB) [accessed on October 13, 2013]).
  2. ^ Johanna Petersmann: Energizing for Tübingen: 140 years of gas, 100 years of electricity . Ed .: Stadtwerke Tübingen. 2002.
  3. Carmen Palm: We have been involved: for 150 years: Stadtwerke Tübingen . Ed .: Stadtwerke Tübingen. 2012.

Web links