White-bellied nightjar

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White-bellied nightjar
White-bellied nightjar

White-bellied nightjar

Order : Swallow-like (Caprimulgiformes)
Family : Nightjar (Caprimulgidae)
Genre : Chordeiles
Type : White-bellied nightjar
Scientific name
Chordeiles nacunda
( Vieillot , 1817)

The white-bellied nightjar ( Chordeiles nacunda , syn .: Podager nacunda ) is a species of bird from the family of the nightjar (Caprimulgidae).

It occurs in Argentina , Bolivia , Brazil , Ecuador , French Guiana , Guyana , Colombia , Paraguay , Peru , Suriname , Trinidad and Tobago , Uruguay and Venezuela .

Their range includes dry savannas , tropical and subtropical grasslands that are seasonally humid or flooded, sandy open habitats and former forest areas.

White-bellied nightjar in flight


The white-bellied nightjar is 27–32 cm tall, the male weighs between 142 and 188 g, the female between 124 and 173 g. The upper side and the elytra are brownish with gray-white and gray-brown points. The belly and rump are pale whitish, a light throat patch merges into a narrow band on the neck. The male has a white tail band and shows a light wing band in flight. In the resting position, the wing tips do not reach the tips of the tail.


The male's call is described as a gentle, repetitive, purring “prrrrr-doo”, mostly from the ground.

Geographic variation

The following subspecies are recognized:

  • C. n. Coryi Agne and Pacheco , 2011 - Northern and central Colombia east over Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana and northern Brazil
  • C. n. Nacunda ( Vieillot ) , 1817, nominate form - Eastern Peru, Brazil (south of the Amazon), Argentina and Uruguay

Way of life

The diet consists of Cercopoidea , beetles , especially Nezara sp., Locusts , winged ants , dragonflies and other insects . The nightjar is active at twilight and forms larger groups for bird migration .

The breeding season is in April in Trinidad, between January and June in Colombia, between September and November in Brazil, in November in Uruguay and Bolivia.

Hazardous situation

The white-bellied nightjar is not considered to be endangered ( Least Concern ).

Individual evidence

  1. Avibase
  2. a b c d e Handbook of the Birds of the World
  3. ^ A b c M. McMullan: Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia Rey Naranjo Editores, 2018, ISBN 978-958-8969-77-0
  4. ^ IUCN Redlist

Web links

Commons : White-bellied Nightjar  - Collection of images, videos and audio files