Mollusk of the year (Austria)

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Since 2010, the Austrian Nature Conservation Union has been awarding the title of Mollusk of the Year . With this campaign he wants to draw attention to the threat and importance for the ecosystem of these mostly inconspicuous animal species.

Previous winners were:

year German name scientific name Illustration
2010 Common door snail Alinda biplicata
2010 Common door snail
2011 Dainty poppy snail Anisus vorticulus
2011 Petite poppet snail
2012/2013 River mussel Unio crassus
2012/2013 river mussel
2014/2015 Pointed pond snail Viviparus contectus
2014/2015 Pointed pond snail
2016/2017 Great pond clam Anodonta cygnea
2016/2017 Great pond clam
2018/2019 Tiger snails Limax maximus
2018/2019 great pond clam
2020/2021 Roman snail Helix pomatia
2020/2021 Roman snail

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