Wensapa Lobsang Dondrub

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Lobsang Dondrub

Ensapa Lobsang Döndrup ( Tib. : DBEN sa pa blo bzang don grub ; also: Gyelwa Wensapa * 1504/ 1505 ; † 1565/ 1566 ) was posthumously as the third Panchen Lama of the Gelug -tradition of Tibetan Buddhism called.

Lobsang Döndrub was u. a. Disciple of the 2nd Dalai Lama . He spent more than twenty years of his life in meditation caves. His collected works (Tib .: gsung 'bum ) comprise two volumes, and his commentaries on the Six Yogas of Naropa are particularly well known .

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Individual evidence

  1. blo bzang don grub
Wensapa Lobsang Döndrub (alternative names of the lemma)
Gyelwa Lobsang Döndrub (rgyal ba blo bzang don grub), Jiewa Luosang Dunzhu 杰瓦 • 罗桑 顿珠, Jiewa Wen Shaba 杰瓦 • 温 莎巴, rgyal ba dben sa pa, Gyelwa Wensapa