Werdenberger name book

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The aim of the now completed Werdenberger name book research project was to find all geographical names (place, field, area, street, path and body of water names) in the Werdenberg region (canton St. Gallen , Switzerland) that can be recorded in space and time. to collect, to map, to interpret linguistically and to evaluate cultural history. The corpus comprises a total of 12,727 names, including around 3885 expired names.


The study area, the Werdenberg region (formerly Werdenberg district , now Werdenberg constituency ), encompasses the communities of Wartau , Sevelen , Buchs , Grabs , Gams , Sennwald on a total area of ​​around 205 km² ; it is located on the eastern border of the country, on the left side of the Alpine Rhine Valley in the middle between Lake Constance in the north and Graubünden in the south; the region borders along its entire length, separated by the Rhine, on the principality of Liechtenstein , which is somewhat smaller in area . Located in the area of ​​the early medieval Churrätien and belonging to the Rhaeto-Romanic language area up to the High Middle Ages , the study area - just like the surrounding regions Sarganserland , Liechtenstein and southern Vorarlberg - has a Romance substratum that is significant in number and quality.

The project continues the work of the St. Galler Namenbuch company , which began in 1958 and aimed at name-related research into the entire canton, but unfortunately was still in the collection phase (around 1985). The Werdenberger name book exists since October 2000. In 2001 the Werdenberger name book association was founded. The scientific management of the project has Prof. Dr. Hans Stricker, Grabs (University of Zurich).

Hans Stricker had previously - since 1981 - led the work on the Liechtenstein name book project and completed the following publications: 11 municipality field name cards (including accompanying booklets), work part place names (6 volumes, published in 1999), work part personal names (4 volumes, published 2008).

In the Werdenberg project, the field name maps of all municipalities were also completed first and published together with an accompanying booklet: Wartau (2004), Sevelen (2008), Buchs (2006), Grabs (2003), Gams (2008), Sennwald (2005) . (The cards can be obtained from the respective municipal administration.)

This was followed by the linguistic processing of the material; the interpretation and editing phase lasted until 2015. In June 2017, the eight-volume scientific edition and the more popular one-volume compact edition appeared in print as planned. A website followed in spring 2019 at www.habenberger-namenbuch.ch .

In the first phase, the work was financed through contributions from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Lottery Fund of the Canton of St. Gallen and private foundations to such an extent that the employment of a full-time employee (Dr. des. Peter Masüger) became possible. No public funds have flowed into the project since October 2006. Some foundations, notably from Liechtenstein, continued to support the company. From then on, the scientific project work was handled by the project manager alone (and mainly on a voluntary basis).

Work structure

I. Place names
A. Field name maps of the six municipalities, each with an accompanying booklet (with areal brief details of all names living today).
B. Scientific presentation of the entire material (areal, historical, research history, etymological):
As a scientific edition in eight volumes: Vol. 1 (Wartau municipality): 10 + 592 p .; Vol. 2 (Municipality of Sevelen): 10 + 565 p .; Vol. 3 (municipality of Buchs): 10 + 301 p. = 311 p .; Vol. 4 (municipality of Grabs): 10 + 708 p. = 718 p .; Vol. 5 (municipality of Gams): 10 + 265 p. = 275 p .; Vol. 6 (municipality of Sennwald): 10 + 736 p .; Vol. 7 (Lexicon of the words contained in the names): 12 + 696 p .; Vol. 8 (Introduction, Sources, Register): 24 + 477 pp.
As a popular edition in one volume: compact edition : 765 pp.
II. Personal names
There is still no systematic preparatory work here; the realization of this part of the project is not yet assured.


The Werdenberger name book was recorded differently. Wolfgang Eichenhofer published a critical review in the Vox Romanica .

Work concept

The concept follows the model of the Liechtenstein name book, also developed by Hans Stricker .

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. Review in Vox Romanica 76, 2017, pp. 369–373.