Werner Jung (Germanist)

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Werner Jung (born July 13, 1955 in Aachen ) is a German German philologist and university professor. He teaches and researches in the field of modern German literary history at the University of Duisburg-Essen with a focus on: Literature of the 18th – 21st centuries. Century, edition philology, literary theory, poetics and aesthetics. Werner Jung is co-editor of the editions of Christian Fürchtegott Gellert , Heinrich Böll , Ludwig Harig , Dieter Wellershoff and Georg Lukács .


Werner Jung grew up in Aachen and studied at the RWTH-Aachen the subjects philosophy , German studies and comparative literature . He received his doctorate there in 1985 in the subjects of modern German literary history, German philology and philosophy, then he received a scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Feodor Lynen scholarship) at the University of Virginia , Charlottesville (USA) in 1986/87 and completed his habilitation in 1994 at the University of Bremen in linguistics and literary studies with modern German literary studies. After teaching at various universities in Germany and abroad, he has been a professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen since 2006 .

Werner Jung was a member of the International Georg Lukács Society founded in 1996 , whose yearbook he co-edited from 1996 to 2007. He published two monographs and a volume of essays on Lukács. The edition of the work on Lukács, in which he a. a. worked as editor, described Jung as an "exciting portrait of the organized left, Marxist movements of the 20th century with all twists, distortions and idiosyncrasies".

Jung regularly publishes monographs, anthologies and essays in different media, mainly in literaturkritik.de , Junge Welt , Neues Deutschland , Forum Wissenschaft , edition text + kritik , Das Argument - magazine for philosophy and social sciences , literature for readers , JUNI - magazine for literature and culture etc.

Fonts (selection)

  • Beautiful appearance of ugliness or ugliness of beautiful appearance. Aesthetics and Philosophy of History in the 19th Century . Frankfurt / M. 1987.
  • Georg Lukács . Stuttgart 1989.
  • Horribly banal. About literature and everyday life . Opladen 1994.
  • From mimesis to simulation. An introduction to the history of aesthetics . Hamburg 1995.
  • In the darkness of the lived moment. Dieter Wellershoff - narrator, media author, essayist . Berlin 2000.
  • “You ask what is truth?” Ludwig Harig's play with possibilities . Bielefeld 2002.
  • Time layers and time histories. Essays on literature and time . Bielefeld 2008.
  • Poetics. An introduction , Munich, 2007
  • as ed. with Jochen Schubert : I collect moments. Heinrich Böll 1917–1985 , Bielefeld 2008
  • as editor: Heinrich Böll. Works , Vol. 19, Cologne edition, Cologne 2008
  • as ed. with Britta Caspers and Christoph J. Bauer : Critics of impure reason. Georg Lukács , Duisburg 2009
  • as editor: literature is dangerous. Dieter Wellershoff on his 85th birthday , Bielefeld 2010
  • as editor: Ludwig Harig . Strength gathered in sleep . Novellas and short stories, Collected Works, Vol. VI, Munich-Vienna 2010
  • as ed. with Carolin Schmitz and Volker Zaib , Erasmus Schöfer : This side of good and bad. Articles for the features section. Food 2010
  • GE Lessing . 2nd Edition. Paderborn 2010
  • Heinrich Heine . Paderborn 2010
  • Literature is construction . Conversations with writers, Duisburg 2011
  • as ed. with Keith Bullivant and Manfred Durzak : Dieter Wellershoff . Works, Vols. 7–9, Cologne 2011
  • Space fantasies and fantasy spaces . Essays on literature and space, Bielefeld 2013
  • Britta Caspers, Dirk Halle Berger and Rolf Parr :, theories, models and problems of regional literary history. Essen 2016 (= Writings of the Fritz Hüser Institute , Vol. 30)
  • Georg Simmel on the introduction 2nd, completely revised edition, Hamburg 2016
  • With Britta Caspers, Dirk Hallenberger and Rolf Parr: Ruhr area literature since 1960. A story based on nodes . Berlin 2019
  • As ed. With Liane Schüler: Orwell's Enkel. Surveillance narratives . Bielefeld 2019

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ University of Duisburg-Essen: About the person. Prof. Dr. Werner Jung, accessed on August 16, 2020
  2. literaturkritik.de: Information about Prof. Dr. Werner Jung, accessed on August 20, 2020
  3. ^ International Georg Lukács Society: Yearbook accessed on August 20, 2020
  4. ^ Werner Jung: Continuity in Change: Georg Lukács . A reminder on the occasion of the 120th birthday and the publication of volume 18 of the work edition as well as volume 9 of the yearbook of the International Georg Lukács Society, in: Publication note of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung .
  5. See for example: Notches in the flesh. "Our Father". Angela Lehner's debut novel is an impressive psychogram , in: Junge Welt , July 16, 2019.