Western barbel ant panties

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Western barbel ant panties
Western barbel ant panties, from the front

Western barbel ant panties, from the front

Subordination : Screeching Birds (Tyranni)
Family : Ant birds (Thamnophilidae)
Subfamily : Thamnophilinae
Tribe : Formicivorini
Genre : Myrmotherula
Type : Western barbel ant panties
Scientific name
Myrmotherula pacifica
Hellmayr , 1911

The western stick ant hatchers ( Myrmotherula pacifica ), syn. Myrmotherula surinamensis pacifica , belongs to the genus Myrmotherula within the ant bird family (Thamnophilidae) .

The species occurs in western Ecuador , western Colombia and Panama , there also on the Caribbean side.

The distribution area includes evergreen forests , clearings , forest edges , riparian forests and gardens up to 800, occasionally up to 1200 m height. This species is the only black and white representative of the family in the range.

The Latin suffix refers to the Pacific .

The species was previously considered to be conspecific with the Guiana barbed ant hatchers ( Myrmotherula surinamensis ) and the Amazonian barbed ant hatchers ( Myrmotherula multostriata ).

from behind


The bird is 9 to 10 cm tall and weighs between 8 and 10 g. The male has a total of black and white pinnate with two white wing bands: black on the upper side with strong white stripes, the black wings have white tips, the flight feathers have white edges, plus a white interscapular spot. The stepped tail is black with white tips. It has a thin black chin stripe, a white throat and underside, the flanks are gray with black dashes. The species differs from the very similar Guiana stick ant panties ( Myrmotherula surinamensis ) by the narrower interscapular spot. The female is rust-colored on the head, up to the neck and belly, cap and neck are striped black, it has no interscapular mark and no chin stripe, and the underside is not dashed. Young birds look like a mix between males and females.

The species is monotypical .

Call of the western barbel ant panties


The singing is described as a sequence of 12 to 15 clear, sharp whistles, about 2 per second.

Way of life

The food consists of small insects and spiders that are hunted as a pair, often in mixed hunting communities, mostly 2 to 10 m above the ground.

The breeding season in Panama is between January and July. The nest is a shallow bowl that is hung 2 to 6 m high near the end of two or more small branches. The clutch consists of two differently white to gray-white, strongly spotted eggs.

Hazardous situation

The stock is not considered to be at risk ( least concern ).


Web links

Commons : Western Barrel Ant Panties  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Western stick ant panties , in Avibase - The World Bird Database. Retrieved July 25, 2020.
  2. a b c d M. McMullan: Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia Rey Naranjo Editores, 2018, ISBN 978-958-8969-77-0
  3. a b c d K. Zimmer and ML Isler: Pacific Antwren (Myrmotherula pacifica) , version 1.0. In: J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, DA Christie and E. de Juana (editors): Birds of the World . 2020, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. Pacific responses
  4. Redlist.Retrieved July 25, 2020.