Sleeping Dogs - Diary of a Murderer

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German title Sleeping Dogs - Diary of a Murderer
Original title Where Sleeping Dogs Lie
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1992
length 88 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Charles Finch
script Charles Finch,
Yolande Turner
production Mario Sotela
music Mark Mancina ,
Hans Zimmer
camera Miles Cook
cut Gene M. Gamache

Sleeping Dogs - Diary of a Murderer ( Where Sleeping Dogs Lie ) is an American thriller from Charles Finch from the year 1992 .


The novelist Bruce Simmons also works as a real estate agent but is unsuccessful in this profession. His boss hires him as a last chance to sell a certain vacant house. The people living in this house were killed, but the murder was never solved. Simmons moves into the house itself after being kicked out of his apartment for arrears in rent.

Simmons asks his publisher Serena Black - with whom he used to have a relationship - for an advance payment, but she laughs at him. Simmons then accepts Eddie Hale as a lodger. Hale takes a keen interest in the work of Simmons, who plans to write about the murders committed in the house.

It turns out that Hale once committed the murders. He tells Simmons about it. This notifies the police who are digging and looking for the bodies. None are found, although Simmons asks several times to dig deeper.

Hale implies in a tape recording that he knows where Simmons' sister lives. Simmons rushes off to save her. After the car breaks down, he runs the rest of the way on foot. He finds the whole family intact in his sister's house. However, Hale left him a package there as a birthday present. In the package there is a hollowed-out Bible with a tape cassette in the middle. Hale announces further murders in the recording on it.


Jack Sommersby wrote on, the plot was " thin ", but - like the director - " tight " ( " tautly ").

The magazine TVdirekt 2/2007 described the film as a " blind grip in the thriller box ".


In 1992 Charles Finch was nominated for a prize at the Festival Internazionale del Giallo e del Mistero di Cattolica for the best film author .


  2. TVdirekt 2/2007, page 58

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