Mark Mancina

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Mark Mancina (born March 9, 1957 in Santa Monica , California ) is an American composer who mainly works for Hollywood productions.


Mark Mancina studied composition and performing arts for six years at California State University in Fullerton , California . At that time he actually wanted to pursue a career as a singer and earned some extra money as a piano vocalist in night clubs . He later had his own band called Dexter in the eighties , which gave him insight into the different styles of pop music and eventually became a music producer .

Later he was able to stand out as a composer, especially with his brilliant background music for the fast-paced film Speed , the soundtrack of which landed at number 1 on the sales charts in the summer of 1994. Within a year he repeated this placement with his soundtrack for the film Bad Boys .

His intensive work in the film business began with the collaborative work on Days of Thunder and True Romance . a. worked with Hans Zimmer . He then composed the original soundtrack for the film Monkey Trouble and worked his way up to the top composer ranks through various other films such as Money Train , Moll Flanders or Twister .

Mark Mancina has produced for some of the most successful artists in popular music, including: B. for Seal on his number 1 single (in Great Britain) Crazy , Billy Idol , Yes on their album Union and for Emerson, Lake & Palmer .

While active on both film and pop music tracks, he arranged three Elton John songs from Disney's The Lion King , which won him the American Music Award in the Favorite Pop / Rock album category and a Grammy Award in the Best children's category Album . His later work on the Lion King in the Broadway version lets him win another Grammy. But this time in the category Best Musical Show Album .

He also made a name for himself on television, where he wrote soundtracks for the CBS series Space Rangers and the excellent documentary series Millennium .

He also set some commercials to music, such as B. for Marlboro , GTE, Black & Decker , Reebok , JC Penney , Jaguar and Diet Rite.

Film music (selection)

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