Viktor Stepanowitsch Grebennikow

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Viktor Stepanowitsch Grebennikow ( Russian Виктор Степанович Гребенников ; born April 23, 1927 in Simferopol , † April 10, 2001 in Krasnoobsk near Novosibirsk ) was a Russian naturalist , entomologist , nature conservationist , writer and book illustrator .


After Grebennikow had spent his childhood and youth in the Crimea , Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan , he worked from the 1940s to 1976 mostly in Issilkul ( Omsk Oblast ), then in Krasnoobsk near Novosibirsk. From 1947 to 1953 he was held in a camp in the Southern Urals . Initially primarily a painter and book illustrator, from the 1960s on he wrote mainly (popular) scientific articles and books on insects , especially bees.

In the early 1970s he set up a forest steppe and insect sanctuary near Issilkul on a private initiative . Today the area is listed in the official list of nature reserves of Omsk Oblast as Issilkulskaja reliktowaja lessostep ( Issilkuler relict forest steppe ).

In 1976, under his direction, the Siberian Scientific Research Institute for Agriculture and Chemization of Agriculture ( Sibirski NII semledelija i chimisazii selskowo chosjaistwa ) in Krasnoobsk near Novosibirsk established a museum for agroecology and nature conservation , which today bears his name. Also in the 1980s he is committed to the establishment of nature reserves in the Novosibirsk and Omsk oblasts.

Since the 1980s Grebennikow turned increasingly to the so-called parasciences . He claimed to have invented a levitation platform that is supposed to work with the help of insect body parts, i.e. their chitin parts , located on the underside . He published detailed descriptions of his 1988 discovery and wrote about his experience flying over Russia and the Soviet Union. Grebennikow also claimed that on his flights the "geometric energy" of the chitin generated a "time-shifting force field" which made his camera inoperable.


  • Million sagadok. Sapiski entomologa . Sapadno-Sibirskoje kn. isd., Novosibirsk 1968. ( One million puzzles. Entomologist's notes , Russian)
  • Million sagadok. Sapiski entomologa , 2nd revised and expanded edition. Sapadno-Sibirskoje kn. isd., Novosibirsk 1980. ( One million puzzles. Entomologist's notes , Russian)
  • W strane nassekomych. Sapiski i sarissowki entomologa i chudozhnika . Koloss, Moscow 1979. ( In the world of insects. Notes and sketches by an entomologist and artist , Russian)
  • Moi udiwitelny me . Sapadno-Sibirskoje kn. isd., Novosibirsk 1983. ( My amazing world , Russian)
  • O fisiko-biologitscheskich swoistwach gnesdowi pchol-opylitelei . Sibirski westnik selskochosjaistwennoi nauki, 3/1984, pp. 111-113. ( About the physical-biological properties of the nests of pollinator bees , Russian)
  • Secretion pchelinowo gnesda . Technika-Molodjoshi , 6/1984, pp. 39-41. ( The secret of the beehive , Russian)
  • Secretion gnesdowi odinokych pchol . Ptschelowodstwo, 12/1984, pp. 28-29. ( The secret of the nests of single bees , Russian)
  • Tainy mira nassekomych . Novosibirskoye kn. isd., Novosibirsk 1990. ( Secrets of the insect world , Russian)
  • Moi me . Sovetskaja Sibir, Novosibirsk 1997. ( My world , Russian)

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