Wilhelm Avieny

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Wilhelm Avieny (born November 21, 1897 in Wiesbaden , † 1983 ) was a German banker, industrial manager, NSDAP district economic advisor and SS Obersturmbannführer (1943).

Wilhelm Avieny in Allied internment (1945–1949)


Avieny took part in World War I from 1916 to 1918 and was discharged from the army in 1919. After 1918 he belonged to several reactionary organizations, such as the Young German Order and the Ehrhardt Marine Brigade . At times Avieny was also a member of the German People's Party (DVP) . In 1931 he joined the NSDAP ( membership number 761.304). Avieny also became a member of the SS (membership number 128.233) and was awarded the SS sword of honor.

He had good relations with the Gauleiter and Reich Governor of the People's State of Hesse, Jakob Sprenger, and with his help he became one of the most influential economic functionaries in the Rhine-Main economic area. Avieny was involved in the “ Aryanization ” of companies at an early stage and played a role in the “proceedings” against the Fuld group . In 1935 he became Provincial Councilor for the Province of Hesse-Nassau. In 1936 he became head of the Gauheimstätte of the NSDAP Gau Hessen-Nassau , in 1939 first head of the Dulag Luft in Oberursel , and in 1943 as the successor to Karl Eckardt Gau economic advisor of the Gau Hessen-Nassau. In addition, he secured Sprenger's influence in the Polytechnische Gesellschaft and the Frankfurter Sparkasse from 1822 .

After the end of the Second World War , Avieny was interned in Darmstadt and classified as “incriminated” in the court proceedings . In addition, his civil rights were revoked and a large part of his assets that he had amassed during the Nazi era were confiscated.


  • November 1933 to February 1939 General Director of the Nassauische Landesbank in Wiesbaden
  • 1942 Chairman of the Supervisory Board and General Director of Metallgesellschaft AG in Frankfurt
  • District chairman of the supervisory board of the Reichsgruppe Banken
  • Vice President of the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Gauamtsleiter
  • Gaujägermeister
  • 1937 Establishment and management of the new Reichsiedlungsschule (RSH) in Oberstedten (today in Oberursel )
  • 1939 first head of the nearby Luftwaffe prisoner-of-war camp ( Dulag Luft )
  • Wehrwirtschaftsführer
  • Armaments chairman for the military district XII
  • Representative of Gauleiter Sprenger in the four-year plan


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