Wilhelm Reinhard von Hanau-Munzenberg

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Wilhelm Reinhard von Hanau-Münzenberg (born September 20, 1607 ; † September 5, 1630 in Aachen ) was a later son of Count Philipp Ludwig II of Hanau-Münzenberg (1576–1612) and the Princess Katharina Belgica (1578–1648) , a daughter of Wilhelm I of Orange-Nassau , the Schweigers.


Wilhelm Reinhard received the training that was customary for aristocrats at the time, initially at a school, later on a cavalier tour that took him to Paris , among other places . However, he was in poor health, fell seriously ill several times and finally stayed in Spa and Aachen to relax , where he also died on September 5, 1630.

He was buried almost three months later in the family crypt of the Hanau-Münzenberg family in the Marienkirche in Hanau in a wooden coffin that was surrounded by a tin coffin. The tin coffin was stolen in the turmoil of the Napoleonic era in 1812 and the remains were buried in a collective burial. A funeral sermon has been preserved on the occasion of his funeral .


Pedigree of Count Wilhelm Reinhard von Hanau-Munzenberg
Great grandparents

Philip III von Hanau-Münzenberg (1526–1561)

Helena von Pfalz-Simmern (1532–1579)

Philipp IV von Waldeck (1493–1574)

Jutta von Isenburg († 1564)

Wilhelm von Nassau-Dillenburg (1487–1559)

Juliana zu Stolberg (* 1506; † 1580)

Louis III de Bourbon, duc de Montpensier (1513–1582)

Jacqueline de Longwy Countess of Bar du Seine (1538–1561)


Philipp Ludwig I of Hanau-Münzenberg (1553–1580)

Magdalena von Waldeck (1558–1599)

Wilhelm I of Orange-Nassau , the silent one (1533–1584)

Charlotte von Bourbon-Montpensier (1546–1582)


Philipp Ludwig II of Hanau-Munzenberg (1576–1612)

Katharina Belgica of Orange-Nassau (1578–1648)

Wilhelm Reinhard

For the family s.


  • Friedrich W. Cuno: Philipp Ludwig II., Count of Hanau and Rieneck, Lord of Munzenberg. An image of the regent drawn from archival and other sources for our time. Verlag der Evangelisch Reformierte Blätter, Prague 1896.
  • Reinhard Dietrich : The state constitution in Hanau. The position of the lords and counts in Hanau-Münzenberg based on the archival sources. Hanauer Geschichtsverein , Hanau 1996, ISBN 3-9801933-6-5 ( Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 34 ).
  • Reinhard Suchier : Genealogy of the Hanauer count house. In: Reinhard Suchier (Hrsg.): Festschrift of the Hanau History Association for its 50th anniversary celebration on August 27, 1894. Hanau History Association, Hanau 1894.
  • Reinhard Suchier: The grave monuments and coffins of the people buried in Hanau from the houses of Hanau and Hesse. In: Program of the Royal High School in Hanau. 1879, ZDB ID 890817-5 , pp. 1-56.
  • Ernst Julius Zimmermann : Hanau city and country. Cultural history and chronicle of a Franconian weatherwave city and former county. With special consideration of the older time. Increased edition. Self-published, Hanau 1919 (Unchanged reprint. Peters, Hanau 1978, ISBN 3-87627-243-2 ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Suchier, Grabmonumente, p. 24
  2. Johann Daniel Wildius: [ funeral sermon ]. Hanau 1631 (evidence: catalog of funeral sermons and other funeral pamphlets in the Breslau Cathedral Library = Marburg Personalschriftforschungen 16. Sigmaringen 1997)