Will Völger

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Will Völger , also Willy or Willi (born May 20, 1893 in Frankfurt am Main , † January 15, 1968 in Schlüchtern ), was a German Protestant theologian and social ethicist.

Will Völger was a professor at the Pedagogical Academy in Stettin from 1930 to 1932 . In 1934 he became a pastor in Katzow . There he founded a local branch of the SPD after the end of the Second World War . From 1946 to 1958 he was a member of the SED .

Will Völger became a member of the East Chamber of Education in 1946 and of the EKD school chamber in 1947 . In the same year he became pastor and provost in Stralsund and until 1953 a member of the theological examination office in the consistory of the Pomeranian Evangelical Church in Greifswald . From 1953 to 1963 he had a teaching position for Christian social ethics at the University of Greifswald .


  • The Faustian man before Christ. A critical reflection. Christiansen, Wolgast 1937.


  • Michael Kühne: The minutes of the Eastern Church Conference 1945-1949. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005, ISBN 978-3-525-55759-4 , p. 477.

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