William Demant Holding

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William Demant Holding A / S

legal form Aktieselskab
ISIN DK0060738599
founding 1904
Seat DenmarkDenmark Smørum , Denmark
management Niels Jacobsen and Niels Boserup
sales CHF 990 million (2010)
Branch health
Website www.wdh.dk

William Demant Holding is a Danish healthcare company based in Smørum. The company is listed in the OMX Copenhagen 20 share index.

It specializes in the field of hearing aids and diagnostic instruments and is a leading provider in this field. The company was founded in 1904 by Hans Demant under the company name Oticon . After his death in 1910, his son William continued the company.

In 1957, William and Ida Emilie Demant transferred the family shares in the company to the Oticon Foundation . The aim of this foundation is to support people with hearing problems. The foundation currently holds around 61% of the company (as of 2006).

In 1994, William Demant acquired the Swiss company Bernafon , Phonic Ear , and later the headset manufacturers DanaCom and Interacoustics . In 2003 Sennheiser Communications A / S was founded together with the German company Sennheiser as a joint venture in Copenhagen .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sonova and the competition. Handelszeitung, February 9, 2011, accessed on March 15, 2015 .