Windegg (Stubai Alps)

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The Windegg from the southwest

The Windegg from the southwest

height 2577  m above sea level A.
location Tyrol , Austria
Mountains Stubai Alps
Dominance 1 km →  Hühnereggen
Notch height 73 m ↓  Scharte to the Hühnereggen
Coordinates 47 ° 10 '33 "  N , 11 ° 10' 53"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 10 '33 "  N , 11 ° 10' 53"  E
Windegg (Stubai Alps) (Tyrol)
Windegg (Stubai Alps)
rock Mica slate
Age of the rock Paleozoic

The Windegg , often also Fotscher Windegg , is 2577  m above sea level. A. high mountain in the Stubai Alps in Tyrol .

The Windegg is the northernmost prominent peak in the ridge that separates the Lüsenstal valley to the west from the Fotschertal valley to the east . The summit can be reached easily from these two valleys. The climbs lead, among other things, over the Seigesalm 1872  m to the northeast of the summit or over the Juifenalm 2022  m , which is southwest on the Lüsen side. In winter the Windegg is one of the classic ski tour destinations in the greater Innsbruck area .

Web links

Commons : Fotscher Windegg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Geological Institute, Geofast Map 1: 50,000, sheet 147, Axams
  2. ↑ Ski tour Fotscher Windegg / Sellrain ; accessed on December 31, 2015