Vladimir Fyodorovich Odojewski

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Vladimir Fjodorowitsch Odojewski, portrayed by Kirill Gorbunow

Vladimir Odoyevsky ( Russian Владимир Фёдорович Одоевский , scientific. Transliteration Vladimir Fedorovic Odoevskij ; born August 1 . Jul / 13. August  1803 greg. In Moscow ; † February 27 jul. / 11. March  1869 greg. ) Was a Russian Writer and composer.

The well-educated Prince Odojewski, who came from the high nobility , held a state office as Vice Director of the Imperial Public Libraries in Saint Petersburg . From 1846 he was also director of the Rumyantsev Museum , when he moved to Moscow in 1862 he moved there. He emerged in particular as the author of fantastic and satirical stories and music novels. Of his compositions only one Berceuse appeared in print; his other compositions, including numerous folk song arrangements , have only survived in manuscript.

The writer and literary critic, who paved the way for independent Russian literature beyond the hitherto dominant poetry, influenced colleagues such as Ivan Turgenev , Lev Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov . Fyodor Dostoyevsky admitted in a letter in 1861 that he "admired him very much and loved many of his works".

He belonged to the St. Petersburg salon of Evdokija Petrovna Rostoptschina , to which u. a. Ivan Mjatlew, Lev Alexandrovich Mei , Pyotr Pletnjow and Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Gogol also belonged.

The book The Black Glove , which was newly published in 2013 by Manesse Verlag , contains seven stories from the 1820s and 1830s, most of which have been translated for the first time. It shows Odojewski as philosophically and morally interested and combines fantastic-romantic motifs with psychological acumen, and also offers nobility satire and plenty of irony.


  • The black glove , stories, from the Russian and with an afterword by Peter Urban , Manesse Verlag. Munich, 2013. 384 pp. ISBN 978-3-7175-2246-1 .
  • Russian nights , cycle of short stories (1844). From the Russian by Eckhard Thiele . Ed. Klaus Städtke . Berlin: Rütten & Thiele 1987.
  • Princess Mimi Novella (1834)
  • Princess Zizi Novella (1839)
  • Wagner in Moscow (1863)
  • The year 4338
  • Cosmorama
  • The ghost and other haunted stories , haunted stories , translated from Russian by Werner Creutziger, Charlotte Kossuth and Dieter Pommerenke, Aufbau-Verlag Berlin and Weimar. Berlin, 1974.
  • Mnemosyne (1824/25)
  • Beethoven's last quartet (1830)
  • Opere del Cavaliere Giambatista Piranesi (1832)
  • Sebastian Bach (1834)
  • Colorful fairy tale cycle of short stories (1833)


Web links

Single receipts

  1. Peter Urban in the epilogue to The Black Glove
  2. a b The black glove, stories: Russian conditions , review by Olga Hochweis in Deutschlandradio Kultur on January 6, 2014