Wojciech Sampoliński

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Wojciech Sampoliński († before 1526 in Poland ) was a Polish nobleman , officials in the civil service and officer .

As a commander, Sampoliński took part in several wars between Poland and Lithuania against neighboring states. He fought with his troops under the command of Konstantin Ivanovich Ostroschski in the Battle of Wiśniowiec in 1512 against the Crimean Khanate , in which a large raid by the Perekop Tatars was crushed. His military success under Ostrogski continued when he took part in the Battle of Orsha in 1514, during the Muscovite-Lithuanian War 1512-22 against the Grand Duchy of Moscow . During the battle he commanded the troops of the royal Polish court together with Janusz Świerczowski .

As Hetman of the royal court and Wojski von Kruszwica , Sampoliński was also a civil servant.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Jakub Niedźwiedź: Szesnastowieczne epitalamia łacińskie w Polsce , p. 495
  2. also called the Battle of Łopuszno
  3. Kasper Niesiecki , Jan Nepomucen Bobrowicz: Herbarz polski Kaspra Niesieckiego SJ , p. 233
  4. ^ Marcin Bielski: Kronika Marcina Bielskiego , Vol. 2, p. 974
  5. Zdzisław Żygulski: Broń w dawnej Polsce: na tle uzbrojenia Europy i Bliskiego Wschodu , 1975, p. 205
  6. ^ Subordinate of a castellan