Wolf (film, 2008)

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German title wolf
Original title Varg
Country of production Sweden
original language Swedish
Publishing year 2008
length 86 minutes
Director Daniel Alfredson
script Kerstin Ekman
production Anita Oxburgh
music Adam Nordén
camera Jörgen Persson
cut Håkan Karlsson
  • Peter Stormare : Clement
  • Robin Lundberg: Nejla
  • Rolf Degerlund: Mats
  • Marie Delleskog: Anita
  • Gustav Kling: Pe Nisj

Wolf (Original title: Varg ) is a Swedish drama film directed by Daniel Alfredson from 2008.


Nejla's great role model is his uncle Klemens. Klemens is a solitary loner who tends his brother's herd of reindeer after losing his own. Nejla wants nothing more than to follow in his uncle's footsteps and spends as much time as he can with him and the herd. But his parents have other plans for him. He should go to school and get a decent education. When a wolf threatens the herd, Klemens and Nejla do everything to protect their reindeer. However, this brings them into conflict with the law and Clement does everything to protect his nephew.

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