Wolf Leslau

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Wolf Leslau, 2004

Wolf Leslau (born November 14, 1906 in Krzepice , Austria-Hungary , † November 18, 2006 in the USA) was a linguist.


Born in Poland, he studied Semitic Studies at the University of Vienna and at the Sorbonne . After the outbreak of war in 1939 the French interned him in a camp , from where he managed to escape to the United States in 1942 . He received the position of professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He was a retired professor at this university until his death at the age of 100. Leslau specialized in researching the Semitic languages ​​of Ethiopia . He has published innumerable papers on almost all Ethiosemitic languages. Between 1946 and 1976 he made several research trips to Ethiopia. In 1952 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences .


Web links

  • Herbert Davidson: Wolf Leslau. In: senate.universityofcalifornia.edu. Retrieved December 5, 2015 .