Wolfgang Gedat

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Wolfgang Gedat (2013)

Wolfgang Gedat (born January 10, 1940 in Gielsdorf near Berlin ; † December 10, 2019 in Schillig ) was a German biologist and author .


As a teenager, Wolfgang Gedat belonged to the "Vertebrata" ( vertebrate ) working group at the Berlin Zoo , where he worked for ornithologists . He learned how to prepare at the Natural History Museum in Berlin and accompanied scientists on biological excursions . After studying biology in Potsdam , he received his diploma in the mid-1970s . He taught biology for many years and also qualified as an outdoor biologist. He was committed to environmental protection . As a zoo pedagogue, he headed the zoo school in the Fürstenwalde home garden from 1992 to 2002 . During this time Gedat worked as a moderator for science lessons at the Pädagogisches Landesinstitut Brandenburg (PLIB) in teacher training.

Gedat has been a state-certified mudflat guide since 1992 and a national park mudflat guide since 2010. Since 2002 he lived in the North Sea spa Horumersiel - Schillig . He offered mudflat hikes and gave lectures, published and familiarized visitors with the natural heritage of the Wadden Sea National Park .

Gedat offered special nature tours for children, to whom he introduced the plant world through fairytale stories. Gedat has published his collected stories in four books; his current work "Whispers on the wayside" was published in 2013.

He lived with his wife in Schillig, Wangerland municipality .


  • How the flowers got their name . Verlag Stapp, 1999, ISBN 3877762816
  • Fairy tales about plants in the salt marshes and the land behind the dike . Verlag Florian Isensee, 2003, ISBN 3895989800
  • Salzwiesengeflüster - a fairytale-like plant identification book . Verlag Erigon Kreativ Handel, Marl 2009, ISBN 3981264207
  • Whispering along the way - a fairytale-like plant identification book . Verlag Erigon Kreativ Handel, Marl 2013, ISBN 3981264215

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. obituary in NWZonline