Wolfgang Pilz (dentist)

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Max Erich Wolfgang Pilz (born November 15, 1927 in Lobstädt ; † December 2, 2005 in Arnstadt ) was a German dentist specializing in oral structural biology, the pathobiology of initial caries, toxic osteopathies, legal issues in dental practice and basic criminological research. Between 1965 and 1991 he was a professor at the "Carl Gustav Carus" Medical Academy in Dresden.


Born in 1927, Pilz grew up in Niederlausitz , where his father worked as a teacher. After his death in 1933 he moved with his mother to Zwickau , where he graduated from high school in 1946 after returning from Canadian prisoner-of-war camps and then initially worked there in a workshop for altar structures and as a dental technician . After he began studying natural sciences as a guest student at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena in 1948/49 , he began studying dentistry at the University of Leipzig in 1949 . After he had passed the state examination in 1953, he was approved and awarded a Dr. med. dent. PhD .

Positions as a scientific assistant (1953–1959), senior scientific assistant, 1st senior physician and lecturer at the Conservation Department of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases of the Karl Marx University Leipzig (1959–1965) followed. In 1961, Pilz was certified as a specialist in general stomatology / general dentist and as a specialist in pediatric dentistry , and in 1961 he completed his habilitation at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig with a scientific thesis on the subject of “Basics of a characteristic of the disposing role of the salivary glands in humans in the causal complex of dental caries ”and was employed there from September 1, 1961 as a university lecturer for dentistry, oral medicine and maxillofacial medicine. In 1964 the management of a central working group for "Stomatological Pharmacy" was transferred.

On September 1, 1965, Wolfgang Pilz accepted the call to the newly established Chair for Conservative Stomatology at the "Carl Gustav Carus" Medical Academy in Dresden. There he became a professor with a teaching position and head of the Conservative Stomatology Department at the Stomatological Clinic. On September 1, 1969, he was appointed full professor for conservative stomatology.

In 1983, after restructuring his department, Pilz became director of the polyclinic for pediatric stomatology and orthopedic stomatology in the stomatology section at the Dresden Medical Academy. On April 1, 1984 there was a reassignment to the full professorship for preventive and pediatric stomatology, which was the first of its kind in the GDR . He held this post until his retirement , which took place in October 1991 for health reasons.

Wolfgang Pilz left behind his wife, a son and three grandchildren.


  • from 1966: Member of the Senate, the Scientific Council and the Social Council of the Medical Academy "Carl Gustav Carus"
  • Founding member, chairman (1969–1972) and board member of the Society for Conservative Stomatology in the GDR
  • 1969–1990: Member of the European Organization for Caries Research


  • from 1977: corresponding member of the Austrian Dental Association
  • 1980: Philipp Pfaff Medal
  • 1981: Medical Council (GDR)
  • 1987: Carus Medal of the Medical Academy "Carl Gustav Carus"


  • with CH Plathner, HA Taatz: Fundamentals of cardiology and endodontics. , Leipzig 1969, 1980.
  • with W. Reimann, D. Krause: Forensic medicine for stomatologists . Leipzig 1980.
  • Practice of tooth preservation and oral prevention . Munich 1985.
  • with W. Binus, A. Stiefel (ed.): Initial caries - preventive-therapeutic alternatives to a pathobiological phenomenon . Leipzig 1987.


  • Pilz, Max Erich Wolfgang . In: Caris-Petra Heidel and Marina Lienert (eds.): The professors of the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus Dresden and its predecessor institutions 1814–2013 . Dresden 2014, ISBN 978-3-86780-376-2 , Professors of the Medical Academy and Medical Faculty Dresden, p. 273 .
  • Peter Gängler: recognized university professor has died . Prof. Dr. Max Erich Wolfgang Pilz shaped dentistry students for a long time. In: Thüringer Zahnärzte Blatt . No. 1/2006 , 2006, ISSN  0939-5687 , p. 20 ( lzkth.de [PDF; accessed on May 9, 2016]).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Peter Gängler: A recognized university professor has died . Prof. Dr. Max Erich Wolfgang Pilz shaped dentistry students for a long time. In: Thüringer Zahnärzte Blatt . No. 1/2006 , 2006, ISSN  0939-5687 , p. 20 ( lzkth.de [PDF; accessed on May 9, 2016]).
  2. Dissertation: Tumors of the Eminentia intercondylica .