Wolfgang Schanze

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Wolfgang Schanze (born May 28, 1897 in Leipzig , † August 2, 1972 ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran theologian.


The son of the teacher Hermann Schanze was a student at the Königin-Carola-Gymnasium from 1907 , which he left in 1916 with the war certificate., He then completed the study of theology and German in Leipzig , which he, after a war-related break as a one-year volunteer, in 1921 graduated from the theological exam. In 1922 he received his doctorate as Dr. phil. After the ordination on September 10, 1923 in the Thomaskirche in Leipzig, he officiated from 1923 to 1928 as the castle preacher in Coburg and from 1928 as pastor at the Hofkirche in Weimar . In 1933 he became a member of the Confessing Church , which he supported in the church struggle as a member of the State Brotherhood Council.

From June 6, 1945 to December 31, 1966, Schanze was a member of the regional church council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia as a visitor to the Central Thuringia church district . In 1947 he took part in the founding assembly of the Lutheran World Federation in Lund . From 1957 to 1970 he was a member of the Executive Committee of the Lutheran World Federation.

Schanze was particularly concerned with liturgical issues. He was a member of the Presidium of the Lutheran General Synod, was a member of the agendas of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany (VELKD) and a member of the Lutheran Liturgical Conference.


The Theological Faculty of the University of Göttingen awarded Schanze an honorary doctorate on February 25, 1964.


  • The New Testament examined by sound analysis . Leipzig 1918
  • Luther on the Veste Coburg . Coburg 1927
  • The religion of Goethe and the gospel. A theological word for the Goethe anniversary in 1932 . Leipzig 1932
  • Martin Luther and us. Essays and speeches . Berlin 1951
  • Our service. Meaning and form of the Lutheran liturgy . Berlin 1952
  • Water, bread and wine. Spiritual reflections on things around the divine word . Berlin 1956

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Hauptmann: Alphabetical directory of former Carolaner , in: Twenty-five anniversary of the Queen Carola High School in Leipzig 1927 , Leipzig 1927, p. 32

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