Wolfgang Weynen

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Wolfgang Weynen (born July 5, 1913 in Nilvingen in Lorraine , † 1994 in Hamburg ) was the long-standing chairman of the management of the German press agency .


Wolfgang Weynen graduated from high school in Riesa in 1933 . He then studied law and business administration at the Universities of Bonn , Königsberg and Leipzig . In 1934 he became a member of the Corps Rhenania Bonn . In 1937 he became a trainee lawyer. In 1938 he was awarded a Dr. jur. PhD. In 1939 he obtained the academic degree of a business graduate . In the same year he became an employee of Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke AG in Riesa and Junkers-Flugzeug- und Motoren-Werke AG in Dessau . On World War II he participated as first lieutenant in the reserve.

After the end of the war, Weynen became legal advisor in 1946 and managing director of the Wiesbaden Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1950 . On October 1, 1955, he was appointed chairman of the management board of Deutsche Presseagentur GmbH (dpa) in Hamburg as the successor to Max Freiherr Besserer von Thalfingen. He held the position until his retirement. On his trip to the USA in the fall of 1963, Weynen was received by US President John F. Kennedy in Washington on October 6th . Weynen expanded its collaboration with other news agencies. This included the conclusion of contracts in 1965 with the Central News Agency of China (CNA) in Taiwan and in 1974 with the GDR's state news agency General German News Service (ADN) on the exchange of news.

In 1958 Weynen was elected Vice President of the newly founded European Association of Press Agencies. From 1965 he was a member and from 1968 President of the International Press Telecommunications Council in London. In 1978 he was elected President of the CITP Action and Liaison Committee in Brussels.

Weynen was an FDP member of the Wiesbaden city ​​council from 1951 to 1955 . He ran for the Hessian state parliament in 1954 , but failed to make it into parliament with number 35 of the 21 mandates the FDP had won.


  • Working time regulation in continuous companies , Gerhard, Leipzig, 1938 (dissertation)
  • Edited with Wilhelm Tolmé Runge: communications engineering and world press. Electronics in the year two thousand , Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers, Bonn, 1968


  • 1144. Weynen, Wolfgang . In: Register of the Bonner Rhenania 1820 1970 , 1970, p. 242, Volume 4 of the blue books of the Bonner Rhenania

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 127 , 884
  2. http://archiv2.fes.de/hzig.FAU?sid=6C2FB10F1&dm=4&ind=6&ETZ=Besuch+des+dpa-Gesch%EF%BF%BDftsf%EF%BF%BDhrers+Wolfgang+Weynen+in+den + USA (link not available)
  3. Taiwan Today, April 18, 1965 ( October 23, 2014 memento in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ ADN-DPA contract signed in Berlin , Neues Deutschland, 23 November 1974
  5. (link not available)
  6. ^ State Gazette Hessen / lists of candidates