Wolfgang von Niessen

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Wolfgang von Niessen (born January 23, 1941 in Wuppertal ) is a German theoretical chemist and university professor.


Wolfgang von Niessen studied chemistry at the Technical University of Karlsruhe and at Cornell University . In Karlsruhe he became active in the Corps Saxonia and reciprocated in 1961. With a thesis on the subject of Some Probability Functions of Non-Equilibrium Hard-Disc Models , he obtained a Master of Science degree from Cornell University . He then returned to Germany and, after working as a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysics with Heinzwerner Preuss and Geerd Diercksen at the Technical University of Munich in 1970 with Friedrich Dörr with a dissertation on A Theory of Molecules in Molecules (Approach of the molecular fragments) to Dr. rer. nat. PhD. Subsequently he worked on quantum chemical topics with Enrico Clementi at the IBM research center in San José , Geerd Diercksen at the Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysics and G. Ludwig Hofacker at the chair for theoretical chemistry at the Technical University of Munich. His work on the numerical implementation and application of the theory of Green's function for calculating the photoelectron spectra in the outer and inner valence range led him together with LS Cederbaum, W. Domcke and J. Schirmer. In 1976 he completed his habilitation at the Technical University of Munich with a thesis on the topic On a Green's Function Method for the Calculation of Ionization Potentials . In 1978 he was appointed to the professorship for theoretical chemistry at the Technical University of Braunschweig , which he held until his retirement in 2004.

His main research areas were quantum chemistry, the calculation of photoelectron spectra in the outer and inner valence range by applying the method of Green's functions, the investigation of disordered solids with applications to quantum percolation, the electronic and photon structure of amorphous silicon and the origin of the metal-insulator transition in tungsten bronzes. Another main area of ​​work was the simulation of chemical surface reactions as well as the investigation of chaos and non-linear phenomena, e.g. B. the stochastic resonance.


More than 280 scientific publications resulted from his research.


  • Niessen, Wolfgang von . In: Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1996. Bio-bibliographical directory of contemporary German-speaking scientists . 17th edition, Volume Medicine-Natural Sciences-Technology , pp. 982-983.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Directory of Weinheimer Corps Students, 1990, p. 333