Worldcon Special Convention Award

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The Worldcon Special Convention Award is a prize that was awarded for the first time in 1955 at the World Science Fiction Conventions ( Worldcon ). The award winner is determined by the award committee. There is no vote like at the Hugo Awards . Still, the price is sometimes informally referred to as the Special Hugo .

List of award winners

year Award winners
2018 Nnedi Okorafor for the youth book Akata Warrior
2015 Jay Lake
2014 Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster as the inventors of Superman
2013 Stanley Schmidt
2012 Robert Weinberg
2008 NASA ,
2006 Harlan Ellison ,
Betty Ballantine ,
Fred Patten
2005 David Pringle for Interzone
2004 Erwin S. Strauss
1996 AE van Vogt ,
Forrest J Ackerman ,
Walt Daugherty ,
William Rotsler
1993 Takumi Shibano
1991 Elst Weinstein ,
Andrew I. Porter as editor of the Science Fiction Chronicle
1990 Don Maitz for the cover of Rimrunners by CJ Cherryh (Warner Questar)
1989 SF Lovers Digest ,
Alex Schomburg for life's work as an SF artist
1988 The Science Fiction Oral History Association
1984 Larry T. Shaw for Lifetime Achievement Editor,
Robert Bloch
1982 Mike Glyer
1981 Edward L. Ferman
1977 George Lucas for Star Wars
1976 James Gunn for Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction
1975 Donald A. Wollheim ,
Walt Lee for the Reference Guide to Fantastic Films
1974 Chesley Bonestell for his illustrations
1973 Pierre Versins for L'Encyclopedie de l'Utopie et de la science fiction
1972 Club du Livre d'Anticipation ,
Nueva Dimensión ,
Harlan Ellison for the anthology Again, Dangerous Visions
1969 Neil Armstrong , Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin for The Best Moon Landing Ever
1968 Gene Roddenberry for Star Trek ,
Harlan Ellison for the anthology Dangerous Visions
1967 CBS Television for the television show The 21st Century
1963 P. Schuyler Miller for his book reviews in Analog ,
Isaac Asimov for his science articles in F&SF
1962 Donald H. Tuck for A Handbook of Science Fiction and Fantasy ,
Cele Goldsmith, editor of Amazing Stories and Fantastic ,
Fritz Leiber and The Hoffman Electronic Corporation for use of science fiction in advertising
1960 Hugo Gernsback
1955 Lou Tabakow ,
Sam Moskowitz

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