Yle TV2

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Infobox radio tower icon
Yle TV2
Station logo
TV station ( public service )
Program type Full program
reception Analog: cable , satellite
Digital: DVB-T , DVB-C , DVB-S
Image resolution 576i ( SDTV )
1080p ( HDTV )
Start of transmission March 7, 1965
Seat Helsinki and Tampere , FinlandFinlandFinland 
Broadcaster Yleisradio
Market share 13.0% (2018)
List of TV channels

Yle TV2 is the second Finnish TV channel. It belongs to the public broadcaster Yleisradio (Yle).


TV2 is based in Ristimäki near Tampere . Regional offices are located in Rovaniemi , Oulu , Vaasa , Jyväskylä , Kuopio , Lappeenranta and Turku . They broadcast about 4,200 hours a year. The station employs around 400 people. The director in 2010 is Ilkka Saari.


Yle TV2 began broadcasting in 1964 and primarily broadcasts children's, youth, sports and entertainment programs. Regional reporting is another focus.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Finnpanel: Katseluosuudet ja tavoittavuudet. In: Finnpanel. January 8, 2019, accessed February 15, 2019 .