Ye haizi

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Yě háizi ( Chinese : 野孩子, literally "wild children" or " wolf children "; English : Wild Children ) are a musical group from China .


Yě háizi go back to a merger of Xiǎo Suǒ 小 索 (vocals, guitar ) and Zhāng Quán 张 佺 (vocals, guitar, harmonica ) in 1995 in Hangzhou . The two come from Lanzhou in the northwest Chinese province of Gansu . In early 1997, Zhāng Jiàn 张健 (harmonica), Yuè Hàokūn 岳浩昆 ( electric bass ) and Yú Wěimín 于 伟民 ( drums ) joined them, and Ye haizi made their first appearance in Beijing . In the same year Zhōu Guóbīn 周国彬 from Sichuan joined the band, but left them again soon. For a while, Zhāng Quán and Xiǎo Suǒ only appeared in pairs in Beijing, a little later with Yè Hóngmíng 叶鸿明 (drums). In June 1998 Gāo Huī 高 辉 (drums) joined them.

In early 1999, Yě háizi recorded the demo album Zhòuyǔ 《咒语 und and in November 1999 they performed at the “Beijing in London” cultural festival at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London . A short time later, Gāo Huī left the group.

In June 2000 Yě háizi performed at a festival of French music at the French School in Beijing with Lǐ Zhèngkǎi 李正凯 (bass) and Hé Dōngzǐ 和 冬子 and again with Zhōu Guóbīn. In July, Zhāng Wěi 张玮 ( accordion ), Chén Zhìpéng 陈志鹏 (drum) and Lǐ Zhèngkǎi joined the group. The band's first live CD was recorded on August 24th at Club Cángkù 藏 酷 (“Loft”) in Beijing .

In 2001, Ye haizi founded the Hé 河 (“River”) bar in Beijing, where they performed weekly. On May 18, they attended an event at Beijing University.

In May 2002, Ye haizi took part in the Beijing MIDI Music Festival. The CD Zhòuyǔ was released in June . In August 2002, the group took part in a music festival in Lijiang ( Yunnan part). Another live CD was recorded at a concert at Club Ark in Shanghai in November.


Ye haizi process elements of folk music from northwest China and use u. a. Dombra , Jew's Harp and other traditional musical instruments .


  • Ark Shànghǎi xiànchǎng《Ark 上海 现场》 (January 2002)
  • Zhòuyǔ《咒语》 (December 2000)
  • In the loft (August 2000)
  • Huáng Hé yáo《黄河 谣》
  • Gǎnjuébùdào nǐ《感觉 不到 你》 (December 2004)

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