Yoshiaki Miyanoue

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Yoshiaki Miyanoue ( Japanese 宮 之上 貴 昭 , Miyanoue Yoshiaki ; born October 7, 1953 in Tokyo Prefecture ) is a Japanese jazz musician (guitar).

Yoshiaki Miyanoue has been self-taught playing guitar since he was ten years old . He began working professionally as a musician in the early 1970s. In 1978 Miyanoue released his debut album What's Happened? Miya (Think!), On which Naoki Kitajima (piano), Yuzo Yamaguchi (bass) and Minoru Sakata (drums) participated. In the 1980s followed the albums Song for Wes ( inter alia with Philly Joe Jones ), Mellow Around (King 1981), Touch of Love (inter alia with Jimmy Smith ) and Dedicated to Wes Montgomery (1985). He toured China, Australia, and the United States; In the course of his career he also worked with Toshihiko Kankawa , Masato Imazu , Isao Suzuki , Shūji Atsuta , in California 1997 with Andy Simpkins ( Presents Yoshiaki Miyanoue's LA Connection , inter alia with Frank Collett , Sherman Ferguson ), in the 2000s with Shūji Atsuta, Yoshiki Uta and Makoto Ōta . After another production dedicated to Wes Montgomery (I Remember Wes) , he recorded a solo album (Reflection - Solo Guitar Alone) . In the field of jazz he was involved in 24 recording sessions between 1978 and 2015.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leonard Feather , Ira Gitler : The Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz. Oxford University Press, New York 2007, ISBN 978-0-19-532000-8 .
  2. Tom Lord The Jazz Discography (online, accessed July 19, 2017)