Yunan Tombe Trille Kuku Andali

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Yunan Tombe Trille Kuku Andali (born January 1, 1964 in Tojoro , Nuba Mountains , Dschanub Kurdufan , Sudan ) is a Sudanese clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of al-Ubayyid .


Yunan Tombe Trille Kuku Andali received on 7 April 1991, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On February 13, 2017, Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of al-Ubayyid. The retired Archbishop of Khartoum , Gabriel Cardinal Zubeir Wako , donated him episcopal ordination on April 23 of the same year . Co- consecrators were the Apostolic Nuncio in Sudan, Archbishop Hubertus van Megen , and the Archbishop of Khartoum, Michael Didi Adgum Mangoria .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Nomina del Vescovo di El Obeid (Sudan). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , February 10, 2017, accessed February 10, 2017 (Italian).