Michael Zachries

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Michael Zachries (born October 29, 1943 in Zwickau ) is a former German sailor who competed for the German Democratic Republic .

Athletic career

The trained sheet metal worker began sailing with SG Dynamo Berlin-Süd , in 1967 he switched to TSC Berlin , from which SC Berlin-Grünau emerged in 1969 . From 1969 Zachries sailed in the kite class , in which he won the GDR title in 1971 together with helmsman Dieter Below and a third sailor named Nolte. In 1971 and 1972 Below and Zachries were vice European champions in kites. The 1972 European kite champions Paul Borowski , Karl-Heinz Thun and Konrad Weichert qualified for the 1972 Olympic Games off Kiel . Below and Zachries were on the 1972 Olympic team as substitutes.

In 1973 Dieter Below moved to the Soling class with Michael Zachries and Olaf Engelhardt joined the group as the third man . At the European Championships in 1973 Below, Zachries and Engelhardt won in front of an Austrian boat and the second GDR boat with Roland Schwarz , Lothar Köpsel and Werner Christoph . The following year, Willi Kuhweide's German crew won the 1974 European Championships in front of Roland Schwarz and Dieter Below's boats. In 1976, Below, Zachries and Engelhardt won the European Championships in front of the Danish team with Valdemar Bandolowski , Erik Hansen and Poul Høj Jensen . At the 1976 Olympic Regatta , the Danes won ahead of the third place in the 1975 World Championship from the USA, followed by Below, Zachries and Engelhardt the Olympic bronze medal. In 1978 Belows Crew won bronze again at the European Championships, then Engelhardt switched to the Starboot and Bernd Klenke added Dieter Below's Soling crew for him . Below, Zachries and Klenke took fourth place in the 1980 Olympic Regatta .

Zachries then worked as a sail maker at SC Berlin-Grünau and in 1991 switched to the Munich Yacht Club on Lake Starnberg as a boatman.


Web links


  1. ^ GDR championships in the international classes on sport-komplett.de
  2. World and European champions in the kite class on sport-komplett.de. While the crew is given as Below, Zachries and Nolte for 1971, only Below and Zachries are recorded for 1972.