Zdeněk Strmiska

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Zdeněk Strmiska (born October 2, 1925 in Jakubčovice , † January 15, 2009 in Paris ) was a Czechoslovak and French sociologist. In the 1960s, as a member of Pavel Machonin's team, he was one of the sociologists involved in preparing for the Prague Spring . In 1968 Strmiska emigrated to France, where he worked in well-known sociological institutions.


After attending high school, Strmiska studied sociology and philosophy at Masaryk University in Brno and Palacký University in Olomouc, he also completed a study visit to Paris and Bordeaux. Although he already had experience as a research assistant, after the February upheaval in 1948 he had to work in various positions in administration (in a local national committee , in a museum, etc.) as well as in an educational institute. Despite joining the Communist Party (1958), it was only with the help of Miloš Kaláb that he succeeded in getting the position of a scientific assistant at the Universita 17. listopadu in 1963 and at the Institute Sociologický ústav ČSAV (SÚ ČSAV, Sociological Institute of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences), in which he became deputy director in 1967.

In the run-up to the Prague Spring of 1968, Strmiska was not centrally or intensively involved, but rather advisory - in Pavel Machonin's team (Social Structure of a Socialist Society) he was responsible for the preparation of theoretical and terminological overviews for the study of social structures and helped with the Choice of literature. Due to the circumstances, Strmiska could not produce numerous publications from the time before the overthrow of the reform movement (this was reserved for him during the period of emigration to France), but he is counted among the formative personalities of Czechoslovak Marxist sociology.

After the intervention of the Warsaw Pact armies in Czechoslovakia in 1968, Strimiska decided to emigrate out of fear of persecution and went to Paris in September 1968, where he was immediately integrated into the renowned Center national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). In the institute around 1980 he became director of a department for the study of societies of the Soviet type (Center de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Transformations Sociales). He published numerous studies on the subject.

Soon after his arrival at the CNRS, Strmiska and his colleague Blanka Vaváková published an important article ( La strati fi cation sociale de la société socialiste. A propos du livre de Pavel Machonin ), which allowed the French scientific public in particular to get an idea of ​​the To make work of Pavel Machonin and the problems of sociology in Czechoslovakia in general. He also made a contribution to the establishment and work of a research group of Zdeněk Mlynář , Pierre Kende and others. In the 1980s, this group wrote about 20 monographic workbooks on the subject of "Crisis in Soviet-Type Systems", which were published in three languages ​​(German, English, French). The authors included numerous Eastern European scientists such as Jiří Kosta, Bedřich Levčík, Maria Hirszowicz and Aleksander Smolar.


  • Společenská skutečnost jako systém a Struktura, Vojensko politická akademie Klementa Gottwalda, Prague 1967
  • Les paradigmes sociologiques: Esquisse d'uneproblemématique , Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas 1978/1979
  • Stagnation and change in societies of the Soviet type , Index, Cologne 1989; also in English and French
  • Sociální systém a Strukturální rozpory společností sovětského typu , Index, Cologne 1983
  • La mobilité sociale dans une société socialiste: l'expérience Tchécoslovaque , Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest 1976; together with Blanka Vaváková
  • Quelques remarques sur 'le divorce tchéco-slovaque' , Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, 1995

and other. Strmiska also wrote numerous contributions for the publication of a sociological lexicon ( Malý sociologický slovník ) in Prague at the end of the 1960s, in which, however, several undesirable authors who had emigrated were involved, so that the lexicon appeared in 1970 without the names of these authors.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Michael Voříšek: Strmiska Zdeněk , keyword in Sociologická encyklopedie (Sociological Encyclopedia), ed. from Sociologický ústav AV ČR (Sociological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), online at: encyklopedie.soc.cas.cz / ...
  2. a b c Miloslav Petrusek: Zdeněk Strmiska - můj učitel a přítel blízký i vzdálený , in: Sociologický Časopis / Czech Sociological Review , 2/2009, pages 423-426, online at: jstor.org / ...
  3. a b c Georges Mink: Zdeněk Strmiska ve Francii , in: Sociologický Časopis / Czech Sociological Review (from the French), 2/2009, pages 426-428 online at: jstor.org / ...
  4. Norman Stone and Eduard Strouhal (eds.): Czechoslovakia: crossroads and crises, 1918-88 , ISBN 978-1-349-10646-2 , Palgrave Macmillan, New York 1989, online at: link.springer.com/ .. .
  5. Zdeněk Strmiska, Blanka Vaváková: La strati fi cation sociale de la société socialiste. A propos du livre de Pavel Machonin , in: Revue française de sociologie , 2/1972, online at: persee.fr / ... , pages 213-257 (there is a link to the PDF version with a German summary)

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