Zhao Jin (German Studies)

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Zhao Jin

Zhao Jin ( Chinese  赵 劲 , Pinyin Zhào Jìn ; * 1968 in Zhejiang , China ) is a Chinese German specialist and a representative of cultural-analytical linguistics .


Awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Prize of the Humboldt Foundation

Zhao Jin graduated from Tongji University with a bachelor's degree in 1991 and a master's degree in 1997 . She then received a DAAD scholarship and received her doctorate from the Philipps University of Marburg in 2002 .

She was a Humboldt Research Fellow (2005–2006), a Diesterweg Research Fellow at the Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (FIGS) at the University of Siegen (2012) and the title holder of the “Ten Outstanding Foreign Language Philologists in Shanghai” (2014).

She has been a full professor of German linguistics since 2008 and dean of the German faculty at Tongji University since 2013 . She was a fellow at the Morphomata Research College at the University of Cologne (2017-2018) and has been Professor at the Technical University of Darmstadt from 2019 to 2020 .

In 2011 she was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Prize of the Humboldt Foundation and in 2013 the Prize of the Chinese Ministry of Education.

Research priorities

She has written numerous publications in the specialist areas of technical language linguistics, text linguistics, contrastive linguistics, cultural analytical linguistics, intercultural communication research German-Chinese, (technical languages) didactics / methodology for German as a foreign language and philosophy of language. She is co-editor of the 13-volume files of the XIII. International Germanist Congress Shanghai 2015 "German Studies Between Tradition and Innovation" and several other conference volumes, co-editor of the series Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft international with Peter Lang ( ISSN  1862-653X ).

Zhao Jin has been researching Wilhelm von Humboldt's linguistic thoughts since 2016 and is in charge of the project for the translation of Humboldt's literary philosophical and linguistic writings into Chinese.

Functions and memberships (selection)

  • Chairman of the branch of the Society for the German Language in Shanghai (since 2010)
  • General Secretary of the International Association for German Studies (IVG) (2010–2015)
  • Committee member of the International Association for German Studies (IVG) (since 2015)
  • Head of the German group of the instruction committee for foreign language teaching of the Chinese Ministry of Education (since 2018)
  • Member of the international advisory board of the research initiative "Worlds of Controdiction" at the University of Bremen (since 2018)


Publications (selection)


  • Business German as a foreign language. A didactic model - illustrated using the example of the Chinese courses in German studies , (dissertation) Narr Verlag, Thübingen, 2002, ISBN 978-3-8233-5364-5
  • Interculturality of text type conventions. Comparison of German and Chinese cultural styles , Frank & Timme Verlag, Berlin, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86596-169-3
  • Science discourses are contrasting. Culturality as a textual feature in a German-Chinese comparison , De Gruyter, 2018, ISBN 9783110587746


  • Contrastive analysis Mandarin-German . In: Hans-Jürgen Krumm, Christian Fandrych, Britta Hufeisen, Claudia Riemer: German as a foreign and second language. An international handbook (= handbooks for language and communication studies), pp. 627–634, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin / New York, 2010
  • The German image of China in the economy. Journalistic China articles in upscale print media . In: Klaus-Dienter Baumann (Hrsg.): Fach - Translat - Kultur. Interdisciplinary aspects of networked diversity . (= Forum for Technical Language Research, vol. 99), pp. 1301–1329, Frank & Timme, Berlin, 2011
  • Culture-specific, inter- and transculturality of text types . In: Stephan Habscheid (Ed.): Types of text, patterns of action, surfaces. Linguistic typologies of communication pp. 123–143 , de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2011
  • Change of text type, change of culture. Contrastive analysis and diachronic comparison of German and Chinese scientific reviews . In: LiLi Journal for Literary Studies and Linguistics, Issue 169, pp. 144–164, 2013
  • German studies between tradition and innovation . In: LiLi Journal for Literary Studies and Linguistics, Issue 172, 2013, pp. 145–150
  • The interaction of the self-image and the external image. Analysis of media reports on Sino-Africa relations. In: Friedemann Vogel, Jia Wenjian (Ed.) 2017: Chinese-German Imagereport: The Image of China in German-speaking Countries from a Cultural, Media and Linguistic Perspective (2000–2013) , pp. 139–153, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017
  • Wilhelm von Humboldt in China: Receptions, Research and Problems . In: LiLi Journal for Literary Studies and Linguistics, 4/2018, pp. 759–774, 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Directory of Germanists: Jin Zhao. Retrieved October 17, 2019 .
  2. ^ Tongji University website (Chinese). Retrieved October 21, 2019 .
  3. ^ A b Morphomata University of Cologne / Jin Zhao. Retrieved September 17, 2019 .
  4. KI2VA visiting professorships at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Retrieved October 17, 2019 .
  5. ^ Presidium and international committee. In: IVG 2020. Retrieved September 17, 2019 (it-IT).
  6. ^ University of Bremen, Worlds of Contradiction