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Zoramthanga 2008

Zoramthanga (born July 13, 1944 in the village of Samthang ) is party leader of the Indian regional party Mizo National Front (MNF) and was Chief Minister of the Indian state of Mizoram for ten years from December 3, 1998 to December 11, 2008 . Since December 15, 2018, Zoramthanga has been acting Chief Minister of Mizoram again.

Life path

Zoramthanga is the second youngest child of Darphunga and Vanhnuaichhingi. He has five brothers and three sisters. After elementary and middle school he attended high school in Champhai from 1957 . Although he passed the university entrance exams in 1961, his family could not afford the tuition fees. However, in 1963 he succeeded in enrolling in Imphal's DM College . To support himself, he worked in a quarry throughout his studies.

Fight against the Indian central government

Since the unrest in 1966, when the Indian central government began to forcibly relocate up to 60,000 Mizo in defensive villages, often only with 24-hour advance warning, he has been active for the MNF underground. For the next three years he was the commander of the Run Bung area . When the MNF cadres went to East Pakistan in 1969 , he was made its secretary by Party President Laldenga . He held this position for seven years in the Pakistani exile 1972–76 in Islamabad .

He and Tawnluia , who would later become Mizoram's interior minister, accompanied the party leader to negotiations in various parts of the world. They returned to Delhi with him in January 1976. When they were arrested there in 1979, he fled with Tawnluia to the organization's jungle camp in Arakan , where he acted as deputy party chairman.


After the signing of the peace accord and the creation of the state of Mizoram in 1987, he was confidante of the first Chief Minister Laldenga. He headed the Ministry of Finance and Education in his government. After Laldenga's death in the summer of 1990, he became party chairman.

After the victory of the MNF in the 1998 election, he became the fifth Chief Minister of Mizorams and held office until the 2008 election defeat against the Lalthanhawla- led Congress Party . In early 2007 he arranged for Charlton Lien Amo to begin negotiations with one of the few remaining armed groups at the Hmar Peoples Convention (Democracy) . At the end of his term of office, the democratically required complete separation of executive and judicial branches falls.

Following the MNF's election victory in the parliamentary elections in Mizoram on November 28, 2018, Zoramthanga has been Chief Minister of Mizoram again since December 15, 2018. Under his government, prohibition was reintroduced in Mizoram with effect from May 28, 2019 , which had already been in place there from 1997 to 2015.


Zoramthanga has been married to Roneihsangi since 1988. They have a son Ramthansiama and a daughter Milari. He is a practicing Presbyterian Christian .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Budget Speech of Pu Zoramthanga ( Memento from June 19, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 96 kB) March 13, 2008
  3. ^ Prohibition again imposed in Mizoram after four years. indiatoday.in, May 29, 2019, accessed on November 10, 2019 .