Zweder van Culemborg

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Zweder van Culemborg (also Sweder ) (* 14th century or 15th century; † 22 Septembe r 1433 in Basel ) was 1425-1433 controversial Bishop of Utrecht in the time of the Utrecht Schism .


He came from the family of the Lords of Culemborg or Cuylenburg . He entered the clergy and in 1414 was Provost of Utrecht . After the death of Bishop Friedrich von Blankenheim , he hoped to become his successor. However, he received only a few votes in the election and initially recognized Rudolf von Diepholz . Although this had received the most votes, it did not receive a majority. Pope Martin V also did not recognize the election. He provided the bishop of Speyer Raban von Helmstatt . He refused and came to an agreement with Zweder van Culemborg. After making payments, Raban von Helmstatt renounced the office of bishop in favor of him.

This also had papal support and handed over the Dompropstei to Rudolf von Diepholz and claimed the office of bishop himself. The five chapters entitled to elect a bishop recognized him. However, the most important cities of Overijssel had already recognized Rudolfs von Diepholz and attracted further supporters. Zweder van Culemborg managed to win Amersfoort and thereby separate the two parts of the bishopric of Utrecht from one another, but he did not manage to move into Utrecht itself. He received support from Philip of Burgundy . Zweder van Culemborg also used spiritual weapons and announced the interdict against his opponents. This forced parts of the clergy to leave the country.

The episcopal conflict coincided with the hook-and-cod war . The cod group supported Zweder von Culemborg. After the opposite side of the hooks got stronger, this also weakened the position of the bishop. Eventually he was removed from the ranks and Rudolf von Diepholz was appointed defensor of the monastery. Zweder even had to vacate Amersfoort and flee to his family's domain. Finally Pope Eugene IV decided in 1432 in favor of Rudolf von Diepholz. Zweder von Culemborg received the titular bishopric of Caesarea. Nevertheless, he stuck to his claim to the diocese of Utrecht. He received his recognition back from the council in Basel . His former ally Philip of Burgundy lodged an objection and a new legal battle began.

Zweder died during the Council of Basel . His death shield was kept in the Basel Charterhouse . After his death, Rudolf von Diepholz and Walram von Moers fought for the office of bishop.

The emergency name of the illuminator Meister des Zweder van Culemborg goes back to the name of the bishop.

Individual evidence

  1. Johan Peter Gumber: The Utrecht Carthusians and their books in the early fifteenth century. Leiden, 1974 p. 36
  2. Gottlieb Wyss: Zweder van Culemborg. Retrieved May 17, 2020 .
  3. ^ EA Stückelberg: Death shield for the bishop of Utrecht. Retrieved May 17, 2020 .
  4. cf. Miranda Bloem: De Meesters va Zweder van Culemborg. De werkplaatspraktijken van een groep Nord-Nederlandse verluchten, approx. 1415–1440. Dissertation, Amsterdam 2015.
