Broadcasting year 1984

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◄◄1980198119821983Broadcasting year 1984  | 1985  | 1986  | 1987  | 1988  |  | ►►
Other events

The Apple Macintosh introduced in 1984


  • In Germany this year, the channels RTL plus and Sat.1 will be the first private television channels that can be received terrestrially. The media landscape in the Federal Republic of Germany is thus taking the step from the broadcasting monopoly of ARD and ZDF to the dual broadcasting system , to which non-commercial broadcasting will later be added as a “third pillar”.
  • January - The music label Stock Aitken Waterman (SAW) is founded in London . Through hits they produced such as Venus von Bananarama (1986), Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley (1987) and above all I Should Be So Lucky by Kylie Minogue (1988), SAW gained significant influence on commercial pop music in the late 1980s Years.
  • January 24th - Apple introduces its first Macintosh series computer . The graphical user interface with the help of which the Macintosh can also be operated by non-computer users is considered revolutionary . The market launch takes place with a comprehensive advertising campaign for which, among others, Ridley Scott is shooting an elaborately designed commercial .
  • August 2nd - In Germany, Werner Zorn receives the first email at the University of Karlsruhe .
  • November 19 - Members of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) break into the BTX account of the Hamburger Sparkasse and transfer DM 135,000 to the club's account . The action, which has no criminal background whatsoever, but is intended to point out weak points in data traffic , brings the topic of “bank robbery by computer” into the public debate for some time.


  • January 1st - WDR 4 starts broadcasting . The target group of the initially ad-free station, which is mainly dedicated to pop music, are people over 45 years of age.
  • January 2 - The BR broadcasts the first edition of the youth and music show Live from Alabama .
  • May 19 - Ö1 broadcasts the first issue of the magazine program Diagonal - Radio für Zeitgenossen , initiated by Wolfgang Kos and Michael Schrott . The program is dedicated not only to the presentation of “current records and music ideas”, but also city portraits (in the first year of broadcast, among others, Czernowitz and Trieste ) and general phenomena of the present. In the first broadcast, following a programmatic quote from Michel Serres , a portrait of the American composer Robert Ashley can be heard.
  • June 18th - The first episode of the weekday series Radiocolg is broadcast on Ö1 . The series replaces the old school radio and opens up more to adult education .
  • August 11 - US President Ronald Reagan hit the headlines at a microphone rehearsal before his weekly radio address when he ("jokingly") announced the "bombing of Russia".

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See also

Portal: Radio  - Overview of Wikipedia content on radio
Portal: TV  - Overview of Wikipedia content on TV

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The "1984" commercial from Apple on the English Wikipedia.
  2. The radio protocol begins today , Arbeiter-Zeitung , June 18, 1984, page 14, accessed on May 26, 2010
  3. "US President Reagan irritates the world public during a microphone test" ( Memento of the original from March 11, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , DeutschlandRadio Berlin , August 11, 2004 (accessed February 26, 2009). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Michael Jackson was underweight, bald, injured Austria-online , accessed June 30, 2009
  5. Ident Logo ARD - First German Television 1980s on YouTube .
  6. This is 3SAT (Sa, 2): Without us . In: Arbeiter-Zeitung . Vienna December 1, 1984, p. 24 ( - the open online archive - digitized).