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Khadija bint Khuwaylid

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Khadijah bint Khuwaylid or Khadija al-Kubra [1] (Template:ArB) (555 - 619) was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Khadijah al-Kubra, the daughter of Khuwaylid ibn Asad and Fatimah bint Za'idah, belonged to the clan of Banu Asad of the tribe of Banu Quraish. She became the first woman to convert to Islam.


Early life

Since her age of birth is calculated from her age of marriage to Muhammad, her date of birth is also disputed and is thought of as somewere between 555 CE and 570 CE.

While some deny that she had previous husbands, [citation needed] other sources state that after her first husband Abu Halah ibn Zurarah (al-Taminia) died, she married Ateeq ibn Aidh Makhzumi (Otayyik) (from Banu Makhzum?). When he also passed away, Khadijah (who was a businesswoman) needed the services of an honest individual to manage her trade. At that time, Muhammad who was 22 years of age, was recommended as a suitable choice for the job by several notable people of Mecca. Due to his success in various commercial related ventures, Khadijah prospered in her business.

Marriage with Muhammad — 595

With the passage of time, her admiration for Muhammad developed into a deeper affection. When he was 25 years old, she proposed the idea of marriage to him. After he accepted the offer, she married her employee in the year 595 CE.

Her age at the time of her marriage to Muhammad is disputed. While it is traditionally thought of as 40 [citation needed], some historians allege that she was 25, while others claim that she was 28. [2]

Islam — 610

When her husband was said to have received his first revelation from the Angel Gabriel, she was the first person — among both male and females — to accept Islam. According to the Sira, it was Khadijah's parental cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who informed Muhammad of his prophethood soon after his vision of the angel [citation needed].

She remained at his side and supported him throughout his mission to spread Islam.

Death — 630

Muhammad took no other wife until after her death, out of his love for her. The year of her death is known as the Year of Sorrow, because of the devastation that it caused him and it was also the same year in which his uncle and protector Abu Talib died. Her body was buried in Mecca.


She had a total of six children: two sons and four daughters.

All six children were born before Muhammad started preaching Islam. The first son, Qasim ibn Muhammad, died when he was two. Muhammad was nicknamed Abu Qasim, meaning the father of Qasim. The younger son was named Abdullah.

Certain Shi'a historians argue that some of her daughters were from her previous marriage, while Sunnis insist that all her children were by Muhammad. [3]

Her oldest daughter Zainab embraced Islam before her husband and migrated from Mecca to Medina; she died in about 630 CE. Her other two daughters, Ruqayya and Umm Khulthum, were wed to two sons of Muhammad's uncle and a bitter enemy, Abu Lahab, who is condemned in chapter 111 of the Qur'an. Both daughters were divorced in retaliation after Muhammad started preaching Islam. Ruqayya married Uthman ibn Affan, who later became the third caliph and she migrated with him to the city of Axum in Ethiopia, when Muslims were being persecuted in Mecca. She later returned to Medina and died around 624 CE. Uthman then wed her sister Umm Khulthum, who passed away in about 631 CE, without children. Her fourth daughter Fatima was married to Ali ibn Abi Talib, who later became the fourth caliph.


She is remebered as Muhammad's able wife who supported him through his mission.

Sunni view

Shi'a view

The following view of Khadijah can be found in the Shi'a book Fatima The Gracious:

As for Lady Khadijah, she was a beautiful, tall, light skinned woman, considered noble among her people; she was wise in decision-making, enjoyed a great deal of intelligence and sharp discernment. She bestowed her brilliant insight of economical principles, especially in the export and import field, on the trade market. This was Khadijah the human, the woman, and the wife; on the other hand, she granted thousands of dinars to her husband to use as he saw fit. Thus, Khadijah's financial support had a great role in strengthening Islam during its prime days, when it was still in the formation stage and critically needed material aid. Allah foreordained Khadijah's property to help Islam and fulfill its goals.

Allah's Messenger said in this regard:

"No property has ever been so useful to me as Khadijah's." While in Mecca, the Prophet used this property to free slaves, help the needy, support the poor and rescue his financially inflicted companions. He also paved the way for those who wished to immigrate; all this through Khadijah's wealth from which he spent freely during her life; and when she died, he and her children inherited it. [1]

Therefore, the meaning of the Prophet's saying ... becomes clear:

"Religion succeeded and became manifest only through Ali's sword and Khadijah's property [1]." [2]






See also


External links