Bad mood

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Title: Bad mood
Genus: play
Original language: German
Author: August von Kotzebue
Publishing year: 1799
Premiere: June 22, 1797
Place of premiere: Hamburg
Place and time of the action: “The scene is on a property of the secret council. At the beginning of the third act in a village, not far from it. "
  • Privy Councilor Herrmann von Edelschild
  • Captain Tobias von Edelschild , his brother
  • Miss Ulrike von Edelschild , both sister
  • Therese , daughter of the secret councilor
  • Walther , his valet
  • Colonel von Hammer
  • Patzig , his valet
  • The Lieutenant Wayse
  • Fabian , his groom
  • Hanns Bornmann , a hundred years old
  • Servants

Üble Laune is a play in four acts by August von Kotzebue , which premiered in Hamburg in 1797 and was first printed in 1799 .


His daughter Therese and his two siblings, Tobias and Ulrike, live on the estate of the widowed secret councilor Herrmann von Edelschild. The secret councilor has called his childhood friend, Colonel von Hammer, to marry him off to his daughter. However, she is in love with the young lieutenant Wayse, so she refuses to obey her father. This increases the already in excess (and eponymous) bad mood of the secret council.

The conflict is resolved when it is revealed that Lieutenant Wayse is the Colonel's son, believed to be dead. In addition, after an inspiring conversation with the age-old farmer Hanns Bornmann, the secret council decides to get a better grip on his bad mood: “People are right - I have to be different - out of love for myself. I can't even do it as a credit credit; because who wins dabey? - me. "

By changing his behavior, he succeeds in keeping his two siblings, who are reluctantly reluctant to move, with him. Against the colonel's continued indignation, the lieutenant and Therese are promised the wedding.


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